Police Academy 8 news

Shoot me, no please, shoot me!Over at Moviehole they have some news on Police Academy 8, thank god, I’ve been waiting on tenderhooks!

Paul Maslansky, producer of the never-ending silly series, tells Entertainment Weekly that it’s still very much-a-go, he just wants to get it right before having a bunch of middle-aged men squeeze into their black chords again.

“It’s going to be a great challenge”, he says. “When you make seven comedies and they’re constantly on TV and DVD people go ‘aww f&%k another one!'”.

According to Maslansky, the plan is to bring back some of the original cast – including Steve Guttenberg, Bubba Smith, Michael Winslow and Leslie Easterbook – for the next film, and have them pass the pepper spray to a new bunch of young troops.

Maslanksy then envisions the new cast members headlining “Police Academy 9”, and the sequels that would follow it.

Oh dear god, let it end. I think I lost interest after the second or third, and let’s not even talk about the one in Russia. Is there anyone who would be looking forward to this?

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7 thoughts on “Police Academy 8 news

  1. Oh come on man, you have to love PA. My friends and I like theem so much, when something is cool or even better, Uber cool, we say Mahoney! (because how cool is Mahoney?)

  2. hm, i liked the first four movies :) When Guttenberg left, movies went downhill, but with him back… It might work out. As long it’s not similar to No. 7 and more like 1-4, I’ll watch it.

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