Smurfs movie…really?

Smurf.jpgEveryone’s carrying the news that the Smurfs are coming to the big screen. I don’t know what the excitement is, we kinda new this already. Coming Soon carries the story going round that the movie will be CGI and Producers will…

…release the first film in 2008 to coincide with the 50th anniversary of The Smurfs.

The studio has hired Herb Ratner to script. He recently wrote Mr. Lucky for Revolution and co-wrote Focus’ Clean Break with Trevor Sands.

Okay so the writer is new news as is the date, but it’s really old….hold up….did they just say first film? There’s going to be more than just the one Smurfs movie? Oh god.

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12 thoughts on “Smurfs movie…really?

  1. I have never seen the Smurfs… but because they are a vital part of my hilarious name… I will vow to go and see this movie

    [ here’s hoping its a good’n ]

  2. It may be a disappointment, but I can’t wait to see what they come up with for the Smurf movie! I hope they do better then Garfield because that was a big disappointment!

  3. I am so smurfin’ excited about a Smurf movie!!! I love those little blue guys (and girl)!!! I too will be in the front row! And a trilogy!!! Oh man how smurfy!!!!

  4. A smurf movie?? Sounds smurfy!! I’ll be in the front row at the smurfie theater on the first day of release, because I was a smurf groupie all growing up.

  5. Gargamel was after the smurfs because aside from their blue hides made for spell components in some pretty powerful and rare incantations.

    And he insisted that they tasted so good.

    Kinda makes you wonder when he ever did eat a Smurf, or if he was going TOTALLY on rumour and speculation.

  6. The Smurfs are dead, this movie will just be another Rocky and Bullwinkle or Garfield filling us with dissapointment. A loved this cartoon, until I grew up. And having more than one SMurf movie, sheesh. BOOOOO! to this abomination!

  7. Well, there are a lot of ways Gargamel can be foiled in his plans to get the smurfs. Though I can’t remember why he was ever after them in the first place.

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