Sin City 2 script being written

Sin_City_Poster.jpgScreen Daily through Comic Book News has news on Sin City 2 movie.

Frank Miller has already started working on the script for Sin City 2, which he will once again co-direct with Robert Rodriguez…

…During his appearance at the Cannes Film Festival, Frank Miller said it was too early to announce the casting for the sequel although did confirm that the project will again be shot entirely on green screen.

Although I’ve yet to see Sin City, since I’m in the UK, it has received some excellent reviews and this spells nothing but good news for movie fans. IMDB also list Sin City 3 for 2007.

I wonder if the stories will be radically moved on and require big recasting, or if they’ll continue with many of the same faces? Trilogy is the “in” word with Hollywood.

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9 thoughts on “Sin City 2 script being written

  1. I guess I did miss the point but I’ll probably see the second one; now that I know what to expect I can proabably enjoy it more.

    I’m a big fan of Robert Rodriguez anyway, so I’m kind of obligated to see his movies; even Shark Boy & Lava Girl, it looks like sh*t but I’ll give it a chance.

  2. i wouldnt call u a jerk joseph but ur missing the point of Sin City. i dont like gore either..only when its necessary…and with Sin City, thats kind of the point..hence “SIN” City..its ruthless and violent. I enjoyed it very much so and i’m drooling for the second one. cheers!

  3. Joseph you’re a jerk. Anyway Sin City rocked! A 2nd movie would be awesome in the ture sense of the word. Not awesome like a good hot dog but awesome like astonished silence. Not quite like going into outer space and seeing the earth but close.

  4. Well Joseph I think your criteria and example is a little shaky at best. For one thing there can be excessive violence in a war movie (although the limit is justifiably higher) depending on the point the movie has, no? And for a movie like Sin City well…in the story that was as good a reason as any and certainly worked with the sort of characters that were being presented. :-> Worked for me anyway.

    As you can tell, I liked the film.

  5. I really didn’t like Sin City at all, the story was so completely pointless it was just ‘What am I watching?’ ‘Mindless gore’. And I have no problem with gore as long as there is a justifiable reason, I don’t mind someone getting there head blown off in a war movie because it’s a war movie, it is necessary, unlike ‘Oh god, they won’t fit in the trunk we’ll have to cut them into pieces so they fit.’

  6. A few thing to say.

    1 – One of these movies better be based on A Dame to Kill For. There is no reason it shouldn’t be.

    2 – If a new story is created there better be a new graphic novel to go along with it.

    3 – More Kevin , Miho , and Yellow Bastard!!

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