Julian McMahon – Two actors left in auditions for Bond

JulianMcMahon.jpgOkay folks, I apologise, I lied. I said I wasn’t going to post any more Casino Royale rumours, but what the hell. This really is worth talking about, and it’s more than just rumour…I should think!

Would you believe, in all of places, the UK’s Mirror paper – I use the term paper to describe that of the material the words are printed on and not much more – has news that the Bond casting is down to two people.

STAR of TV’s Nip/Tuck, Julian McMahon, yesterday revealed he is on a shortlist of two to become the next James Bond.

The 36-year-old Australian, who plays serial womaniser Dr Christian Troy in the show, said: “I’m a big James Bond fan.

“I met the producers for a final audition. They told me to expect a decision in a couple of months and they said it was between me and one other person.

“It’s going to be a very nervous wait.”

The other person in the frame is believed to be British actor Clive Owen.

Well looking at the two of them, and going from comments we’ve had before, Clive Owen should definitely be the one. I really can’t see McMahon playing the role well. For all the poor performance from King Arthur, you just have to watch some of his other movies and TV appearances to see he has that quality. Look no further than the BMW Films The Hire series of movies to see how he can play a similar character.

Owen has the class and the rough around the edges feel that would be perfect for the early Bond. I can’t say I’ve seen McMahon in anything that would make me think of Bond.

Hold up. I’m going to change a little here. I’ve just done a search for some images for Mr McMahon, and after seeing him in a multitude of poses, you know what? I think he could look the part. Now, I did just say look, I’d have to back that up with some performance of course, and I’ve not managed to see that from Charmed, Nip and Tuck or Home and Away!

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26 thoughts on “Julian McMahon – Two actors left in auditions for Bond

  1. Sorry ifzu its looking like Daniel Craig. The people behind Bond announced that they will have a press conference on friday to announce the actor to play Bond for Casino Royale and earlier this week rumors were flying that it was Craig.

  2. I know this is just an opinion, but its hard to think of it as such. To me, it seems like a fact. JULIAN MCMAHON is the ONLY choice for the new James Bond. Thinking of him in the role makes me so excited to be a Bond fan again. He has an incredible amount of charisma. I am a very attractive, straight man, so naturally he is an icon.

    I know there has to be some other Nip/Tuck fans out there. Watch some Season One episodes, and then tell me that Julian wouldn’t make a good Bond. He would be phenomenal in the role. Before you think I am being biased, understand that I have weighed numerous opinions. This man can act! I have seen him cry believably, scream believably, and oh yes, fuck believably. My only concern would be the lack of a british accent, but I think this can be easily rectified.

    Julian Mcmahon should, hands down, be the next James Bond.

  3. Too bad Julian Mcmahon didn’t make 007,he would have been perfect. If it’s true that Jude Law is going to become the new and youger Bond I won’t bother going to

    the movie to see it. He just isn’t sophisticated, soave, charismatic or bold enough to be BOND. God the guy’s puny, the only thing he’s got going for him is his British accent. From Alphie to James Bond, they’re going to need more than a total makeover for him. What are the Broccoli’s and Sony thinking.BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

  4. Julian McMahon isn’t American, he’s Australian. and he’d be a great Bond.

    Personally I don’t think Clive Owen’s suave enough to pull it off. Or hot enough.

  5. I can totally see Julian as the next James Bond – tall, handsome and sophisticated. Pierce was always made for the part but I think Julian can do a very respectable job and make it his own.

  6. Are you kidding! Julian McMahon would make the best James Bond, hands down!! If he becomes the next James Bond, I’ll become a devoted Bond fan, again. If not, I might watch it when it comes to cable.

  7. Sadly, I’ve lost my interest in who will be the next Bond. I’ve grown up watching these films, but now it seems a bit tired. I do hope when the film is cast and screenplay written that it bring new life to the franchise. I would love to see a great Bond film again – it’s been entirely too long.

    Oh – and while I was watching the Oscar’s red carpet coverage Clive was asked about the Bond role and he flately (almost defensively) said it’s all rumors and he hasn’t even been approached.

  8. Yeah, I think Owen is a great actor, and I reiterate: his career wouldn’t benefit from this.

    Look at what they’re doing with this Casino Royale remake. It’s going to be directed and written by the same people who have been doing the last couple of Bonds. And the actor for Bond they want is going to be in his late 30s/early 40s. Nothing is going to change here. It’s going to be the same old crap whose only purpose is to sell equally mediocre EA games.

    I loved the idea that poster Mark presented on a prior Bond news entry: Set it in, and acknowledge, contemporary times. Have a younger Bond whose first assignment involves diffusing an India/Pakistan war. Opening sequence in Iraq. Bad guys are corrupt American military contractors (imagine an American/British movie having the balls to have these kind of bad guys). Jaws is reintroduced as a Desert Storm veteran who lost his law in combat.

    This is what the Bond franchise DESPERATELY needs now. Like the way DC and Marvel re-introduce and update the mythology of their major superheroes every generation or so, it’s now time for this to be done to James Bond.

  9. Hearing Clive Owen talking dirty just makes me scream! In a good way. :)
    I think Clive would make a good Bond. But I hope he doesn’t take it. What I have seen of him he is a good actor. And he has that rugged good looks that would fit perfect in the roll. I just feel that Bond (as much a fan as I am)should be place in an old folks home. It’s time has pass.
    Donna A.

  10. I like Clive Owen as Bond, but I think he’s going to pass because the whole Bond franchise as of late, including this planned remake of Casino Royale, sounds boring as fuck. Owen’s career doesn’t need this, compared to the other guy, Julian Whathisname.

  11. I love Clive Owen since the BMW movies and Greenfingers, but he is not James Bond. Not because he wouldn’t be amazing in it. but I just don’t seem him fitting in with my image of james bond, who I have loved since I can remember. Also, Clive have been killing that rumor since he was in the BMW films. I do like Julian McMahon for the part but I don’t think he have any trace of an acent that I would accept. (Though I only remember him slightly from Charmed). If indeed this is the list I want to go with Julian.

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