A New Look at Anakin

Anakin_new.jpgAICN posted a new picture of Anakin Skywalker. Even they admit they’re not exactly sure where the picture came from, or the degree of it’s authenticity, but I think it looks great. I love the style. No matter what you think of the new Star Wars films… for the most part you’ve gotta admit 95% of it has looked just spectacular. I dig the Luke-ish hair goin on with him too. This is just a little taster version of the picture. The full, and much larger version of the picture can be seen here.

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12 thoughts on “A New Look at Anakin

  1. Since I got the original Star Wars trilogy I have been doing a proper Star Wars marathon, from Episodes IV-VI then Episodes I-II. I am so looking forward to Episode III, that I am staying spoiler free.

    As for Anakin, WOW!

  2. Response to Herby – The writing, direction and acting were no better for A New Hope. We’ve just had the wool pulled over our eyes by nostalgia. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Star Wars, but the movie became a hit because it was something fun and different, not because it was well written or acted. As for me, I’m thrilled about Revenge of the Sith. Finally, with Episode III in place, and the DVD editions of IV-VI, the entire Star Wars story can be told in one long, epic sitting. (Tell me, who out here is going to, when Revenge of the Sith is released on DVD, sit down and watch Episodes I-IV consecutively? I know I want to!)

  3. Forgot to mention that the image was featured directly from on-set photography in the August issue of Star Wars Insider, without the Vader reflection. Sorry!

    The AICN one looks like a REALLY crappy clone/paste job with a sloppy ‘Episode III’ tacked on.

  4. Yeah, this pic is from the Star Wars Insider that came out about 2.5 months ago – yet AGAIN AICN has no idea what they’re talking about.

    I do however agree that Return of the Sith will rock.

  5. AICN has added a note now that this is not really an official poster. Some people have too much time on their hands. (Not for making the image, which I think is cool, but for lying about it.)

  6. While I have enjoyed the Star Wars prequels, I am one of those people that thinks that they pale in comparison to Episodes IV-VI. Having said that, I’m actually surprised to find myself really looking forward to Episode III. The behind the scenes footage from the recent DVD trilogy set has whet my appetite for Revenge of the Sith. I just hope and pray that Lucas will not disappoint.

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