Buffy the Vampire Slayer Motion Comic Webisodes Voice Casting Call

Buffy may have been canceled at the end of its seven season run, but die hards are still getting their fix of the Slayer and her Scoobies in a comic book that acts as an eighth season.

So with Joss Whedon suddenly finding time on his hands as Dollhouse goes out on a whimper, he mentioned that he already knew what he was going to do next. And after the thrilling sucess (and lack of studio interferance) of his Doctor Horrible’s Sing-a-Long Blog Webseries, Whedon has plans to bring Buffy back… online.

A casting call has gone out for voice actors who would help him create an animated series of sorts. The “Motion Comic” webisodes will revolve around the plot of the Season Eight comics.

SciFi Wire shares:

Based on the breakdown, the series will be based on the comics and feature the characters Twilight, the Big Bad of Season Eight, and evil British socialite Slayer Lady Genevieve Savidge, who plots to usurp Buffy’s place in the Slayer hierarchy.

Casting director Jeff Shuter is also looking for voice actors to play the parts of familiar Buffyverse characters Faith, Kennedy and Robin Wood, as well as a bunch of new characters (including someone who sounds like actor Daniel Craig to play a character based on the James Bond star).

Season Eight, as the title suggests picks up with Buffy immediately after the show closed doors on television, finding Buffy and her remaining Scoobies, and a small army of activated Slayer potentials wondering what to do next.

The full voice casting call can be found over at SciFi Wire

I wonder what this could mean for the Kuzi’s threat to make a new Buffy feature film without Whedon, and presumably without his fans.

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