Dr Horrible Makes With the Cash!

Want to know if this lovely internet “movie” musical of Joss Whedon’s panned out in the end? Well Dr Horrible’s Sing-a-Long Blog has consistently held the top spot on iTunes in its category since it was released last week. Well based on some of the news about how the numbers would break down, blogger Jeffrey McManus made some educated guesses with some existing facts and some presumed volumes.

Here’s how it works: TVSquadquotes:

At a million iTunes downloads he has the principle actors bringing in something in the neighborhood of $100,000 with Whedon coming in at around $4 million $2.6 million. I’m not sure how feasible one million iTunes downloads on iTunes is, but I do know that at the moment Dr. Horrible counts for 3 of the top 4 episodes and the top season on the U.S. lists. Add in the international markets and it’s certainly not an outlandish goal.

So not too shabby for a labour of love by Joss, his brothers, a few Whedon Alums and the always likable Neil Patrick Harris.

This cost very little to produce, and worked into a nice little paycheque. Not a bad way to spend your summer vacation.

And by “Summer Vacation” I mean “when he was supposed to be on strike and NOT writing”

So remind me again why Joss would want to return to TV?? Risk being cancelled? He should take his own production company (Mutant Enemy) and make his own shows his own way and release them online. If the shows suck, they wont sell. Joss takes his own risks and he cancels his own shows when they die off or he is ready to be done with them. Networks lose nothing, fans get what they want. If the model works, others follow. Soon all TV is available on demand by the episode online.

Wouldn’t that change the landscape of TV?

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5 thoughts on “Dr Horrible Makes With the Cash!

  1. cut out the middlemen, i say. power to the creators!!

    i know i’m buying the dvd when it comes out. hopefully they contain digital copies that are transferable to my appleTV.

  2. He would be the perfect pioneer for this type of move. Much like Radiohead with In Rainbows, Joss has already built a devoted and pretty fanatical fanbase who would be sure to follow him to the internet. And following the In Rainbows analogy, if someone like Joss is successful with Internet TV, there will be plenty of others willing to follow his lead.

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