Franklyn Trailer

WWe have a trailer for you to check out today for the film Franklyn starring Ryan Phillippe. Thanks to our friends over at Film Junk for the hookup.

Franklyn is about a dystopian future where religion rules the government. Film Junk rightly compares this to V for Vendetta, I think the influence is more than obvious. None the less this film looks like it could be a decent tale about a make shift super-hero rebel with a sack over his head. I like the mask, and that’s half the battle.

The above post was written by Doug Nagy

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9 thoughts on “Franklyn Trailer

  1. This film feels like a student projects that didn’t go well.
    Dialogues are long, they don’t make sense and don’t go to the point. Worse, they often sweat of self contentment and use a vocabulary that the writer clearly doesn’t understand and that the story really doesn’t need. Except for the father, the acting is actually very bad and I think this is due to the mediocre direction and casting more than to the actors themselves. Don’t wait for a ending that makes sense either:
    The emotional music at the very end comes like “it all makes sense, how brilliant!” but in fact what happens just doesn’t work at all and is quite embarrassing. I nearly walked out several times but thought the nonsense would eventually be lifted at some point, not.

    Summary: if I pooped in a bucket and filmed it that would be about twice as interesting as Franklyn.

  2. These movies always come off as anti-religion. A dystopian future where religion rules the government…. if anything, religious belief beyond vague spirituality has been in decline in the western world.

    Now, I’m not saying there isn’t merit in exploring the idea that Church controlling State is bad, but these days it’s more likely to be the other way around (to name just one situation, see the HRC rulings in Canada).

    But yes, the mask is cool… heh…

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