First Look at the Star Wars Animated Series

I am so pumped about ANYTHING Star Wars coming out in any form. I still read all the novels. So when news of these new TV series came out, I was near giddy. One being a live action ongoing series, the other being a cgi animated series. Now we get our first look at the style.

Film Junk gets:

Ever since Star Wars Episode III was released, George Lucas has been busy talking up a pair of Star Wars TV shows that are on the horizon. One of the shows was revealed to be a live action series that takes place in the time period between Episodes III and IV, while the other would be another Clone Wars animated series.

This is the best news I have heard regarding Star Wars in a LONG time. I like that they are keeping to the style of the super popular animated Clone Wars shorts but making them 3d. This will look SO cool.

There is some concern about the content since they are showing Yoda as our first, and he is supposed to be spending the proposed time frame of this series hiding in his cave on Dagobah. And that Lucas wants to make it a smart ass comedy. But I will still watch it, and collect it.

I still can’t wait to see the live TV series, but this will fill the gap nicely until then!

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8 thoughts on “First Look at the Star Wars Animated Series

  1. if its a 3d representation of the clone wars series than it will be amazing…..the clone wars animated series was the best thing to come from the prequel series…..this has the potential to be AMAZING….


  2. Aye, as John stated above, just not as clearly, this new CGI series is a direct 3D translation of the 2D Clone Wars animated series, as far as the way it’s going to look I think that is. Which I love this idea. So the reason Yoda looks that way, face stretched out a little with wider eyes and younger, is because thats how he looked in the 2D series.

    BTW, if you havn’t seen the 2D Clone Wars series, you really should. Some great stuff in there.

  3. Rodney,
    The cgi series is during the Clone Wars, so he would be out being a general, so the picture makes sense. The live action series between III and IV is when he is in Dagobah.

  4. Honestly, when I saw that Yoda pic, I said “what the fuck?” out loud. Summarizes my opinion on any SW material that is not the original trilogy.

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