3 New HB:2 Pictures

New Hellboy 2 pictures have been loosed on the internet for us all to enjoy! Check them out!




My favorite picture is the second of the three. Who is that dude to the far left! He looks awesome! That suit makes him look like a battle ready Mysterio – If I was going to get murdered by anyone in this group, I would want it to be him. I have no desire to see the face of my killer, I would just like him to dress nice.

I want to see this movie in a bad way, and look forward to spending more time in time in the Hellboy universe.

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9 thoughts on “3 New HB:2 Pictures

  1. Boy, the first pic is very similar to the first official Batman pic from The Dark Knight. You know, the one where Bats is on top of the police car, looking at us, sideways? I wonder if it was intentional or something…

  2. Cannot wait for this! I LOVE the first Hellboy movie. My friend dragged me to see it against my will, and I fell in love with the thing. What a pleasant surprise! And with a bigger budget than the first one and Del Toro still at the helm…it can’t miss. It can’t. At least, I really hope it can’t.

  3. hey doug and everyone else, im a reader of the spin off comic and that man on the left is a man(kind of)named Johann. Backstory is that he was a median and during one of the seances (I dont know how to spell it) he was separated from his body. He is pure ectoplasm now and the BPRD made a suit to contain him. That is his suit and is quiet different from the comic.

  4. That person on the left caught my eye too. That would be a great Mysterio outfit. I must admit though, I thought it was Princess Leia posing as the bounty hunter Boussh again.

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