Seth Rogan To Play Green Hornet

HornetSeth Rogen appears to have his acting furnace stoked with logs made of employment. We get wind of this casting news from MTV Movies Blog:

Three months after promising MTV that his “Green Hornet” would be an “awesome action movie,” Seth Rogen is back with news on the 71-year-old superhero, confirming to our very own Josh Horowitz that he will indeed suit up in the famous green fedora.

“There’s a more comedic version and a less comedic version and we don’t know what will feel right until we’re actually writing it,” he revealed.

So Rogan will be writing and starring in the Green Hornet … I will reserve all judgement until I see this one. This certainly seems like a strange casting and vision for the green hornet character. Rogan is good stuff though, and a likable Canadian boy, so on the basis of nationalism and camaraderie – I will give him the benefit of the doubt.

The Green Hornet was the Bruce Lee show, and he set the bar high for Kato. With Steven Chow and Tony Jaa being discussed as possibilities for the role, I am content that either will do Bruce proud, and the character justice. If you had Seth Rogan and Tony Jaa as a pair of crime fighters – that would be pretty amusing. Kato could kick ass while the Green Hornet loots pockets and sips on a whiskey.

Perhaps a comedic campy Green Hornet film will be just what the doctor ordered. Most fans of the original series are dead anyway, maybe it makes sense to take some risks and get crazy.

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15 thoughts on “Seth Rogan To Play Green Hornet

  1. EDIT: Never mind, I just found it. I never knew this was made public, and I’ve never heard of the Script-O-Rama website either…

    I’ll have to sit down and read his version now. Thanks for making it known that it existed online.

  2. @ Rusty James

    Where have YOU read this supposed Kevin Smith Superman script? I think if it was out there I would’ve at least HEARD of it being public. And I mean the script itself, not the news that he was supposed to write it.

  3. I’d like it if they played up GH’s blood relationship to the Lone Ranger. That’s a pretty cool part of his mythology. Maybe we could find out that Kato is related to Tonto.
    About “giving it back to Smith”. Smith abandoned the project because he said he didn’t know how to do an action film.
    Have you read his Superman script? It’s not great. I don’t see why you’d give Smith a chance but not Rogen.
    Maybe we could find out that Black Beauty is related to Silver.

  4. I really think this is a bad idea no matter what. Seth Rogan. The guy does a couple comedy films and all of a sudden he is a comedic god (sarcasm). He sucked on Saturday Night Live when he could have shined. Green Hornet? Come on. I agree with KoKo. Give it back to Smith…yet that would probably suck too because the Green Hornet is not a a character that will sell, despite the history.

  5. hey…it can be superbad with king fu for all i care….that would suffice….but im hoping the do a men in black kinda thing, u know funny but not too funny….with a decent mix of action and drama….

  6. Please give it back to Kevin Smith & put Gyllenhall back as Britt Reid.

    As much as I love Seth Rogen, I’m just waiting to hear the headline “Rogen drops out of Green Hornet” …

  7. And then there are those who became fans long after the show’s original run. Specifically when GH came back to the comics.

    I’m holding out hope for a bit more “Men In Black” vibe, (action-comedy) nothing campy, but something enjoyable that doesn’t take itself too seriously at all times.

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