Two Face Or Not Two Face: That Is The Question

eckhart.jpgBatman news today regarding the villain named 2 face. It appears that although Aaron Eckhart will appear in the film as Harvey Dent – It does guarantee that he will be Two-Face in The Dark Knight. We get the news from beyond the gates via Sci Fi Wire:

Batman Begins writer David Goyer told SCI FI Wire that Harvey Dent will appear in the sequel The Dark Knight—but not necessarily his villainous alter ego, Two-Face, as has been reported. “I think Harvey Dent has been mentioned,” Goyer said in an interview while promoting his upcoming film The Invisible. “I don’t know that Two-Face has been mentioned.”

Though plot details are top-secret, The Dark Knight will reportedly feature the Joker (Heath Ledger) and Dent (Aaron Eckhart) as the nemeses of Batman (Christian Bale). “All I can say is some people raised their eyebrows when they heard there were going to be two villains in the first film [Batman Begins], but I think that one worked out just fine,” he said.

I think Eckhart kicks ass, and am pumped to see him as Two-Face. I would prefer not to see him as Two-Face in The Dark Knight, because the Joker is enough “villain” for this film. Introduce Dent, get us to like him – maybe even have the accident happen near the end of the film. But save the character of Two-Face for the next installment. I hate when films adapted from comics ram in as many villains as they can. It was one of the things I hated about the last Batman franchise, and I am always leery when it seems they are casting more than they should.

I will say that the cast they are shoring up is killer, and it is great news that the scientologist incubator (Katie Holmes) is no longer on board.

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12 thoughts on “Two Face Or Not Two Face: That Is The Question

  1. Man, I am so pumped for this movie, 2008 can’t come fast enough.
    Eckhart is a good choice for Dent and Nolan knows what he’s doing.
    I want to see this now!!!!

  2. Excellent news if he’s just going to be Dent for the whole movie then become Two-Face at the end. A good movie only needs one bad guy, if they do it right.

  3. I want the dark knight to be about those three guys; Batman, Gordon, and Dent teaming up and doing whatever it takes to bring the Joker down. During the climax, Dent pays the price and gets the acid and we leave him in hospital with the scarred face. That just seems to be the right way to do it. Don’t let Two-Face be devoured by another larger than life villain like he was in Batman Forever.

    Then again, if i trust anyone in this business, it’s Nolan.

  4. Harvey in The Dark Knight.

    Two-Face in the 2nd sequel.

    Goyer spilled the beans about the arc of a possible trilogy back when the Batman Begins DVD came out.

    Batman-on-Film says that there will be a lot of The Long Halloween in The Dark Knight, and Harvey is very prominent in The Long Halloween. In fact, It also shows the birth of Two-Face towards the end with Harvey getting a face full of acid.
    And if this is true, something tells me that the Joker will take the place of the killer Holiday from that particular comic.

  5. “Will Chris Nolan want Two-Face at all in his movies?”

    Methinks so, yes. Why wouldn’t he want him? They’re gonna set him up for the third film. Now personally, my friend, I would have preferred if they had introduced him in Batman Begins so his character arc was more satisfying. (Kind of like the way Harry has been developed in the Spidey movies, but without the snowboards when he finally turns.) :)

  6. They’ve drip fed Harry as a possible villain since the end of the first Spiderman so I don’t see why they can’t hold off on Two face for at least another film.

  7. Too many villians can spoil a movie & also i don’t think it’s been confirmed that Two-Face will appear in The Dark Knight, just that Harvey Dent will be. We have already seen Dr. Curt Connors in Spider-Man 2 & in the trailer for Spider-Man 3, but no appearance (yet) as The Lizard. Will Chris Nolan want Two-Face at all in his movies?

  8. My biggest problem with Tommy Lee Jone’s Two-Face was not just that he was often too comical..but that lost freinship never was pulled into his character..that something i wanna see resonate in this new attempt of his character..

    Two-Face should reign the third will give us more time with him..and maybe it wont feel like its just a different villain everytime..

  9. Judging from what I just read, I think he will indeed play Two-Face, but not in The Dark Knight. He will probably be Harvey Dent throughout the entire film until the end, just like you mentioned. Which is a good thing, cramming 94893849384 villains in one movie just makes things rather annoying. That’s actually the primary concern for Spider-Man 3, isn’t it?

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