Bobby Farrelly’s Dear Santa is a quirky Christmas comedy that dares to blend the holiday spirit with a dose of mischief, courtesy of a diabolically hilarious performance from Jack Black as Satan. With a unique premise, a spirited young lead, ...
Eli Roth’s Borderlands, a science fiction action-comedy adapted from the popular video game series, arrives with high expectations, given its star-studded cast and the rich world of Pandora that the games have established. Unfortunately, the film stumbles in its attempt ...
Get ready to tighten your seat belts and brace yourself for a wild ride, because Columbia Pictures is resurrecting the legendary Anaconda for a new generation. That’s right—Jack Black and Paul Rudd are reportedly circling roles in this reimagining of ...
The “Borderlands” movie is finally here, and it’s bringing all the chaos, humor, and wild antics that fans of the video game series have been craving. Directed by Eli Roth and featuring an ensemble cast that reads like a Hollywood ...
In the pantheon of animated franchises, Kung Fu Panda has carved out a niche that’s as delightful as it is deep, blending rib-tickling comedy with surprisingly profound philosophical musings. It’s a series that’s as much about martial arts excitement as ...
Would you like to see Kung Fu Panda 4 starring Jack Black, Awkwafina, Viola Davis, and Dustin Hoffman? Would you like to see it early and free? Enter for the chance to grab a free pass to the advanced screening. ...
Dive into the pixelated extravaganza known as Minecraft. Jason Momoa, the man who effortlessly conquered Atlantis and the deserts of Arrakis, sets his sights on a new blockbuster adventure. The star is set to appear in Warner Bros.’ live-action rendition ...
Just like their own Abed Nadir predicted, Community is getting 6 seasons and a movie! The groundbreaking show ran for, wait for it, 6 seasons. And now, we have confirmation that there is a movie in the works. Community was ...
Jack Black makes a surprise appearance at New York Comic Con 2022 at the debut of the official trailer for The Super Mario Bros movie! From Nintendo and Illumination comes a new animated film based on the world of Super ...
It’s finally here! The first trailer for The Super Mario Bros. Movie dropped at New York Comic Con 2022. The upcoming Super Mario Bros. Movie is set to release on April 7th, 2023 from Nintendo and Illumination. The star-studded cast ...
The first teaser poster for the Super Mario Bros movie has dropped and shows us a bit of the world the movie will inhabit. The as yet untitled Super Mario Bros. movie is currently in the works for Nintendo and ...
It’s a me! Mario! The first trailer for the upcoming animated Mario film starring Chris Pratt will premiere at New York Comic Con. The upcoming Untitled Super Mario Bros. film is in production with Nintendo and Illumination and will premiere ...