Search Results for : thor

Idris Elba would Take on Power Man

It seems that the controversially cast White God Heimdall has other Marvel Heroes on his wish list too. Idris Elba faced flack for being cast in the role of the “White Warrior God” in the adaptation of Marvel’s Thor (loosely based on characters of Norse mythology – exhale people) but … [Read More]

Twilight Filmmakers Upset Over Leaked Images

There have apparently been some leaked images from Twilight Breaking Dawn, but Twilight author Stephanie Meyer alongside Breaking Dawn Director Bill Condon and Producer Wyck Godfrey have issued a statement pleading bloggers like me to resist posting any leaked images of their upcoming film. Its not a cease and descist … [Read More]

Harry Potter will be 3D

Welcome to today’s edition of Hogwarts Digest. No not really, but we will be discussing news of events surrounding Harry Potter. I may be in the minority on this site but I thoroughly enjoy the adventured of the young fellow and today’s news of a 3rd dimension has me experiencing … [Read More]