Harry Potter will be 3D

Welcome to today’s edition of Hogwarts Digest. No not really, but we will be discussing news of events surrounding Harry Potter. I may be in the minority on this site but I thoroughly enjoy the adventured of the young fellow and today’s news of a 3rd dimension has me experiencing all new levels of excitement regarding the potential for 3rd dimension magics.

Source: AICN

Producer David Heyman confirmed the impending 3D conversion telling Collider, “The reason we didn’t do it on the first part was because we didn’t feel that we could do it justice. And actually the 3D would actually compromise the film, so we didn’t have the time.” Now they’re “really excited about the quality” of the 3D conversion and they justify it this way: “We feel it adds something to the film and is really immersive, as opposed to taking out, which I think a lot of 3D can do.” They say, “David Yates is approaching 3D from a character point of view.”

I like this but I’m sorry that it took the last chapter of the franchise before the technology caught up. I think the Harry Potter franchise is one of the few that could have benefitted a lot from 3D so I’m excited about the idea of the last film getting the treatment. If I happen to bother to see this in theaters then It’ll be a treat.

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