Kevin Feige shoots down possibility of ‘Hulk 3’

Kevin Feige did an interview with Mike Ryan of ‘The Huffington Post” and gave a bit more insight into the future of the Marvel movie universe. Considering that the guy is the PRESIDENT of Marvel studiens I understand that he has a bit of insight on these things. I already know that Kevin Feige has his eyes set on “The Inhumans” as one of the next big Marvel films he wants to bring to theaters but will have his hands full with Iron Man 3, Thor 2, and Captain America 2 within the next few yrs but when asked about the possibility of the Hulk 3 things were a bit more bleak.

I know that the two Hulk movies were disappointing financially compared to the other Marvel movies, but is there any part of you thinking, Maybe we can give another Hulk movie a shot?
Well, no. This was the other shot. Right? I mean, this was the third appearance of Hulk and everything that we had and were going for, we put in to Hulk’s appearance in “Avengers.” So, I love that people are saying that and are feeling that way about Hulk, but mission accomplished at this point. And the way we go forward, we’ll see. But it was a long road to get to this point. Although, I will say, after the screening, I heard various arguments over who was their favorite. Which is my favorite thing: Arguing what was the favorite moment or character. And the fact that so many of them are saying Hulk feels very, very good. Where we go next, we’ll see. But we’ll be very careful about it and deliberate — as we were in how we wanted to bring him back in “Avengers.”

See that. That was the ‘Hollywood’ way of saying “Hell No, that sh*t didn’t make enough money”. The Hulk has had 2 solo films thus far and just making back your budget or a bit more isn’t enough to make more films. You have to excel way past the cost of making the film and preferably bring back double to triple the expenses in order to attract those producers to invest in another film and that just didn’t happen with the Hulk which is a shame as I REALLY enjoyed the 2nd film with the incredible Edward Norton and fantastic Tim Roth. The film was fun, exciting, and had good performances from the principle actors so it’s more than a little disappointing that there are no intentions to have Mark Ruffalo reprise his Avengers role in a solo outing despite the early praise going around for his character in The Avengers.

Source: The Huffington Post

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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

3 thoughts on “Kevin Feige shoots down possibility of ‘Hulk 3’

  1. The way the hulk looked in the second hulk looked better than any other. I and my family love the look of the hulk in the second one. He looked more like a real man instead of more computerized like in the first one. The Avenger’s was awesome, the hulk charter was funnie, but he looked more monkey like. I know you can’t make everyone happy, someone will always have something to say. Just from the point of view growing up watching Lou Farigno play him on tv, he was life like. I still will continue to take my kids to see the movies. They are still my favorite hero’s.

  2. I watched the The Avengers and it was FREAKING AWESOME! I like them all but the Hulk/Bruce Banner STANDOUT among the rest. Mark Ruffalo did an AMAZING job and he gave JUSTICE to Hulk/Bruce Banner compared to the other 2 Hulk movies. Marvel and Disney made an EXCELLENT decision for giving the role to Mark Ruffalo. We NEED a new Hulk movie of Mark Ruffalo! WE NEED MORE!

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