Jamie Foxx joins Django Unchained

I’ve been keeping an eye on Quentin Tarantino’s upcoming spaghetti western “Django Unchained” for quite some time now and there have been numerous high profiles stars being name dropped for possible roles in the film. Today we learn the Jamie Foxx has emerged from all other contenders as our Django.

Source: Deadline

Quentin Tarantino has made his choice and negotiations will begin for Jamie Foxx to play the title character in Django Unchained.

Foxx will join Christoph Waltz, Leonardo DiCaprio and Samuel L. Jackson in a Sergio Leone-style spaghetti Western that Tarantino wrote and has set in Mississippi during slavery. No deal has been made yet, but it shouldn’t take long. While the early focus had Will Smith the likely participant, Deadline told you on June 7 that those talks had gone south, and we were first to identify Foxx as a prime contender for the role along with Idris Elba and Chris Tucker.

I chuckle each time I read the words “Chris” and “Tucker”. I dont ever expect to see him in another movie without the words “Rush” and “Hour” in the title. Not in this lifetime. I wasn’t aware that Leo DiCaprio was confirmed for this movie. This along with Chris Waltz and Sam “Muther F’n” Jackson have placed this movie in a uncommonly elevated place for a Tarantino movie.

I’m not thrilled about the casting of Foxx. He’s a hit or miss actor IMO and I can’t remember a role he played in a movie that I enjoyed much aside from “Ray” and “Law Abiding Citizen”, the latter of which I thought was mostly carried by Gerard Butler. Hopefully surrounding him with this ensemble will be able to produce the outstanding performance that I know he’s capable of delivering.

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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

9 thoughts on “Jamie Foxx joins Django Unchained

  1. Foxx grinds on me from time to time, BUT he CAN deliver when he try’s.

    “Collateral” was a fine example.

    Tarantino films are always an exciting event for me. unknowns can be in it and it would probally still be the shit! so there’s that.

    Django! Bring it on.

    1. Yea dude its obvious I cannot agree with Anthony on Tarantino point of view. Its ok can’t always agree. But I think this is grate and Jamie Fox is just as good of an actor as Will Smith Done Chedale I think would be my first or second choice but Fox will do well. SO eff the haters your are not a true film fan if you don’t respect Tarantino.

  2. I think it sucks that Will Smith turned it down but now I’m downright pissed off because it has now resulted in Jamie Foxx getting the part.

    Amazing how quickly ones anticipation for a movie can change. This just became a rental.

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