Fright Night Trailer, Teaser Poster Arrives

Two new items have come forth regarding the upcoming Fright Night remake. One is the teaser trailer, which isn’t too bad, the other is a teaser poster, which IS terrible. But something -and someone- seems to be missing in the advertising, which is causing a bit of moans among horror fans, fans of the original film, and fans of the ‘missing’ actor in the remake trailer (hint: he’s pictured above).

Movieline reports:

DreamWorks has released the first trailer for their remake of the ’80s horror comedy classic Fright Night, which either qualifies as heresy or amazeballs, depending on which side of the remake debate you’re on.

Have a look for yourself:

I have to give some props on this. Most impressive is the idea that it would seem that the “coffin” humor is out, although most of the original’s intentional humor came from “Evil” Ed and Peter Vincent, two characters who are in the new trailer but aren’t highlighted as much. In fact, David Tennant’s Peter Vincent is only in the trailer for a nanosecond- and clean shaven (much early publicity on the remake was his Rob Zombie-Criss Angel look) – and they don’t show the ending, unlike the original film’s trailer.

The remake seems to have other elements from the original, and the club scene is a no-brainer. That said, I have several peeps who are not that impressed with what they see here. This most likely isn’t the final trailer- but while the original 1985 film trailer didn’t “tell you” who Peter Vincent was–I don’t think that’s the problem here. In the original trailer, we got glimpses of full vampire makeup, ghouls, wolves and vampire bats. Here it seems routine. The new film also suggests that Danderinge abducts his victims (mostly teens) instead of seducing them into his lair, and has no ghoul servant to help him out. I’m still going to give this film a shot, but in the next one we should have a little more Tennant and a creature feature shot. Just sayin’. In the meantime, here’s the teaser poster:

Y’know what? I said the poster is terrible. It’s only the teaser, I know. But…can I show you something? Y’all don’t mind do you? Cover your eyes—you’re NOT going to like it…

Inspired by the DTV DVD sequel to John Carpenter’s Vampires? Who knows for sure. But rest assured, the braintrust will never, ever, ever come close to…

Screw your photoshopped headspace, with all due respect.
What do the int’ fans make of all this?

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About Darren

"Revenge is sweet and not fattening." Alfred Hitchcock

15 thoughts on “Fright Night Trailer, Teaser Poster Arrives

  1. screw the haters, fright night is definitely one movie that needs to be remade in a modern tale, i like the original but it has many unanswered questions and some silly moments that was ok for the 80’s but the new movie looks good very suspenseful looking and its like disturbia except its not a serial killer living next door, its a monster. the only thing bugs me is that i didn’t even know it was gonna be in 3d, why??

    1. “movie looks good very suspenseful looking and its like disturbia”

      Disturbia pretty much ripped off Fright Night which kinda ripped off Rear Winow which ripped off…………

      just call it something else…

      I like Chekov as an actor though, so I’ll give HIM the benefit of the doubt.

      DVD rental

    2. DISTURBIA! That’s the movie I was trying to think of the name of the ENTIRE trailer. It’s Disturbia with a Vampire. I thought the motorcycle coming through the back window was a little over the top and wasn’t needed except to push a 3D angle on the viewer. PLEASE, please Hollywood make the 3D stop!

  2. To be honest, I was expecting an extremely bad trailer. So the fact that I watched the whole thing means it could be a fun watch, probably a rental though.

  3. I’m all for Colin Ferrel when he’s in a good role like In Bruges, Tigerland, and Intermission. I know he can act…this doesn’t really feel like it will showcase his talents…and this looks like a remake just like the last few horror ones that were awful. I see this going in and out of theaters the way Friday and nightmare did. Shame…I had hopes for this one with the casting choices too.

  4. The original still holds up fine, saw it the other night.

    The trailer seems very weak in comparison and Farrel seems miscast.

    You know he’ll use his “Bullseye” crazy look in this one too.

    Lame…… it seems.

    1. Meh.

      At first I was excited by the possibility that the nerdy fat kid was the lead, which would have been supremely awesome, but as the trailer went on it became obvious that the geek was playing his traditional role of ‘expendable sidekick #1’.

      Overall, it just seems a little too slick and Hollywood. Its not doing anything we haven’t seen before a million times. I’d watch it on video, but I’m not going to buy a ticket.

      1. PS… At one point I heard rumours that this was going to be a ‘meta-remake’ with Chris Sarandon playing himself in the Peter Vincent role. I.e. Chris Sarandon is now a has-been 80s actor still basking in the glory of his most famous roles as Prince Humperdink and Jerry Dandritch. Then one day he’s signing autographs at Comic Con when the protagonist approaches him for help, saying his neighbor is a vampire, just like in the original Fright Night, and he needs Sarandon’s help.

        Maybe I dreamed that storyline up myself? Oh well, it would have been good.

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