Bin Laden film ready to go with Hurt Locker duo?

With news of the death of terrorist mastermind Osama Bin Laden, the media wondered if Hollywood might make a film about his defeat. It was quickly found out that a film surrounding the hunt for Bin Laden was already planned – by the Oscar winning team behind ‘The Hurt Locker, director Kathryn Bigelow ans writer Mark Boal.

Entertainment Weekly gives us the heads up:

EW has confirmed that since 2008, The Hurt Locker’s Oscar-winning director Kathryn Bigelow and screenwriter Mark Boal have been working on a film version of a book called Kill Bin Laden. They were so far along, in fact, the duo were looking to shoot their film this summer with independent financing

The book itself focuses on the failed attempt to get Bin Laden in Tora Bora in late 2001. Now there’s speculation that the script may go under a revision to accommodate current events. It is worthy to note that while Oscars and some box office respect went out to The Hurt Locker and the filmmakers, they *still* had to go outside the Hollywood system just to get this project off the ground. I suspect some of those problems will soon be at an end, for there will be many wanting to know how this film will shape up.

What’s your take on a film for the hunt for the terrorist leader? Would you be interested in seeing it? Or would we like to see a film surrounding Navy SEAL Team Six? I’m sure something like that wouldn’t be far behind, even though officially there is no SEAL team six. Would there be a political slant (which Hurt Locker generally-and wisely- avoided for the most part) or if there was one, will the filmmakers have to tone it down if it is there?

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About Darren

"Revenge is sweet and not fattening." Alfred Hitchcock

8 thoughts on “Bin Laden film ready to go with Hurt Locker duo?

  1. I don’t know if White House, CIA or the so-called “intelligence community” or even President Obama himself would be cooperative to this proposed Bin Laden flick. I don’t think these folks would agree on spilling the beans on how the gungho Navy Seal Team Six killed Bin Laden . I’m sure they’d prefer to keep this whole thing confidential .

    1. News is already sharing tons of details about the mission and how it all went down. It’s not a threat to the operatives than it was to the characters in Navy Seals.

      A film based on these events would not reveal any military secrets, not threaten anyone’s safety.

      The president has no say on Hollywood films inspired by real world events.

    2. Beside, Armed Forces always happy to lend their support if there is a movie that show their achievement. Especially this one. It’s well known that US Armed Forces have a special division for dealing with Hollywood military related movie. If they are so secretive & doesn’t want any movies regarding their past activities to exist, there wouldn’t be movies like Black Hawk Down or Hurt Locker or even that cheezy Navy Seal & GI Jane movie back on early 90s.

  2. There in fact is a Seal team 6. They are the top frogmen of the Seal community. This would be cool they need a good Special Ops film Blackhawk down was cool but not how it went down. So if they do special Ops film I will have high hopes for maybe a new theme.

    1. officially, there are never been confirmed of super secret covert ghost wetwork unit Seal Team (Devgru)6 are exist, although is already known in military buff community that they do exist. Same goes to Detachement Delta.

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