Mickey Mouse In The House

Disney’s most iconic and beloved character Mickey Mouse may be headed back in a new animated feature on the big screen. Bleeding Cool gives us:

We’re rapidly drawing in on the release of the return to the world of AA Milne‘s Winnie the Pooh. One of the key players is Burny Mattinson, a veteran of the 1960′s Pooh pictures. He served as the supervising story artist on this film. I did take a second to enquire about what Mattinson will be working on next. And while it’s early days for his new project, it does sound like the perfect follow-up to Pooh.

He said:
“I am working on just an idea of my own which is basically a Mickey, Donald, Goofy feature film idea. We have to present it first to the bosses to get the green light.”

When I stumbled on the news, I thought ol’ Mick would be going solo. But it seems the idea is to bring back some other beloved characters in supporting bits. Nothing wrong with that- but I wouldn’t mind an all new Mouse film that centers around Mickey. I can see it happening, regardless of how well the upcoming new Pooh does, Disney is doing a neat and good thing, getting out projects for classic characters which could be re-introduced to the new generation as well as the older generations.

Any of the int’ friends eager for a new Mickey Mouse-Donald Duck film?

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About Darren

"Revenge is sweet and not fattening." Alfred Hitchcock

4 thoughts on “Mickey Mouse In The House

  1. He’s loving what he will be doing now, so I’m just going to see Colin Farrell will be starring as the voice of the beloved bad boy of cartoon world Mickey Mouse we see what happens if it’s right and safe to come on.

  2. I’d love to see them make more of those straight to VHS (well, now DVD) Disney features they used to do with the old characters… like the Mickey Mouse version of The Prince and the Pauper. It’d be interesting to see if kids would flock to go see Mickey Mouse and Daffy Duck and the others…especially since Mickey hasn’t really been tested on the big screen ever.

    1. Fantasia is best known for the Sorcerer’s Apprentice segment which is all about Mickey – and was a theatrical release.

      And there have been a number of theatrical releases from the world in which Mickey lives, like the Goofy Movies (cameo) which implies to me that if a member and style of that franchise can get a theatrical release, why not Mickey.

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