Director Brian Taylor explains his Ghost Rider

Now there has been a lot of discussion as to what to expect from this new Ghost Rider movie but we’ve had very few details given from the director himself. This all changes today as the director took to a podcast and began dishing out all sorts of interesting details:

Source: Collider

“We basically said, we want to do it, [would] absolutely love to do it, but it’s gotta be 100% different from the first movie, everything, except for Nic. We want the character to look different, feel different, sound different. The backstory of the character’s different, the origin of the story is expanded upon in ways that the first movie didn’t hint at, at all. The location’s different, the whole cast is different; the only thing that’s the same is Nic…It’s pretty much a reboot, only with the same actor, which makes it: a requel. Or a seboot, I can’t decide which one I like better.”

It seems that Mr. Taylor felt the same way as I did with the original film in that the best thing out of the whole ordeal was the enthusiasm that Nic Cage had for the role. But that’s not all as the director actually had a lot more to say as to what attracted him to the project and the explanation of his requel… err.. seboot… Yeah, that and when we’d actually see some footage.

“The first attraction was Nic and the second was the character and just how cool it could be. [I wanted to] kinda make the Ghost Rider movie that I wished I had seen before.”

“The reports of the budget of Ghost Rider have been greatly exaggerated. It’s about the same as [Gamer]. We didn’t have a lot of money to make this film…but we’re pretty creative. It’s gonna look fuckin’ huge.”

“[Blackout’s] a fun character. His powers are pretty cool, we did things with his powers that aren’t in the original comic books…We’re gonna do a huge splash at the Comic-Con. That’s when we really want people to see what the new, evolved Ghost Rider looks like as well as the first peeks at the villains.”

He is clearly distancing himself from any association from the original movie, which is very appreciable from my seat, in an effort to do any damage control for the franchise. I’m almost always willing to give a comic book movie a shot and, although this isn’t the ideal superhero movie for Nic Cage to be attached to, I am willing to give it another shot to change my outlook on the franchise. I’m hoping this fares better than the last comic book film he was associated with and will try to remain optimistic until comic con rolls around.

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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

4 thoughts on “Director Brian Taylor explains his Ghost Rider

    1. So then you honestly believe they went out of their way to NOT do it right the first time??

      I have to assume that ANY director/producer/studio is putting their best effort to make any property the best way they feel it should be presented.

      But you wont actually know if the grand majority of movie patrons will feel the same way until you MAKE that movie.

      And on top of your presumption… if they dont do it the way you wanted… they dont have the right to try again?

      Nolans films would never have happened if they didn’t reboot Batman.

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