Mars Not A Destination for ‘Total Recall’ Redo

Two mildly interesting notes about the planned remake of ‘Total Recall’ are coming to light. One is that Colin Farrell ditched David Cronenberg’s Cosmopolis for Yet Another Remake he is the lead in. The other is that there is no trip to Mars.

Entertainment Weekly gives us:

Now, getting rid of Mars isn’t quite as crazy as it sounds. Total Recall was very loosely adapted from a Philip K. Dick short novel called “We Can Remember It For You Wholesale,” which is noticeably Mars-free. So perhaps Re-Recall is aiming to stay truer to the original story? Certainly, Farrell seems like a more typical Philip K. Dick protagonist than Schwarzenegger.

Just one small problem. EW’s statement is slightly misleading, and if that is the spin being put on the remake, then it’s a big red flag for me. While it is true no scenes on Mars take place in the short story, Mars is a big part of the short story in regards to the character of Quail (Quaid). I’m not suggesting in the new film they can’t take that out and put in something else. I am saying the reason for not having Mars in the remake is poorly justified. Is there something wrong with simply saying ‘We don’t want Mars”- as opposed to say that Mars didn’t figure into the original short story when it did?

As for Farrell, he’s a good actor, I like or love him in many a role. But I am getting…well, let’s just say it seems when a remake of a TV series or movie gets a greenlight, there he is. Know what I mean?

What do you think? Get your butt to Mars or not?

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About Darren

"Revenge is sweet and not fattening." Alfred Hitchcock

5 thoughts on “Mars Not A Destination for ‘Total Recall’ Redo

  1. How do you top Schwarzenegger,  the greatest action hero of the 20th Century, and 30-yr old Sharon Stone?  If something ain’t broke, you shouldn’t fix it!
    Guard: Have you brought any fresh food or produce to the Mars colony?
    Fat Lady/Quaid: Two weeks! TWO WEEKS!

  2. I have liked Colin in evrything except that horrible Miami Vice remake which also starred Jamie Foxx.

    Not sure about this yet, I’ll try and keep an open mind about it.

    1. Oh Hell Nooo! Miami Vice was a badass crime drama. That is one of Ferrel’s best movies. That remake made the original TV show look like a Disney production.

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