Worthington Promises Wrath of the Titans Will be Better

Sam Worthington is joining the new Hollywood tradition of admitting you made a bad movie. But with Wrath of the Titans he is promising will be a better film.

Empire shares:

“I think we can improve [on Clash],” Worthington told Moviefone. “I totally agree the first one let people down, and what the writers, the director and myself are setting out to do with this one is improve. I want to take all the notes I’ve been reading on the net, and try to give people a movie they fucking want.”

It’s good to know that Worthington – an actor hired to play in a movie – is spear heading the movie himself.

I appreciate his enthusiasm for the franchise and his hopes that it will be better. But I am pretty sure this is not his call.

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7 thoughts on “Worthington Promises Wrath of the Titans Will be Better

  1. For me the letdown was the Olympians in the film. In the original, Sir Laurence Olivier played Zues and that is all you need say really. The whole re-imagining of Mt. Olympus just didnt cut it for me.

    I think the best part of the original film was the mystery of not knowing and the build up to discovery.

    That is what was missing from the new film, it just felt rushed in that department.

  2. I’m one of those people who actually enjoyed Clash, but I still think one of the flaws of the movie was Sam Worthington’s lackluster performance (even though I think he’s a good actor in general). I hope they improve on certain things. I especially hope they don’t bring back those two Jar Jar Binks characters (God, they were AWFUL!)

  3. Sam did fizzle out with this one, but I think he’s a good actor in the making, the other films he was in didn’t really make me think otherwise.

    Clash Just Really SUCKED!!!
    directing wise, Editing wise, and Storywise.(even though the original rocked) and the effects were laughable at times.. overall it was a choppy mess. You’d think the guy who made the “Wolfman” Directed it.

    and Post 3-D, 3-D, REAL 3-d DIDN’T HELP THAT FIASCO.

    Just sayin’

  4. He has no say when it comes to this, he has to play his part beyond the same monotone act that he has put out there in this, terminator, and 90% of Avatar (minus when he came in on that raptor (raptor being bird of prey) – that was epic).

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