Plop Plop Fur Fur – Del Toro was a Werewolf!?!

Guillermo Del Toro is famous for his eclectic but charming oddities, and this is no exception. Collider has unearthed a YouTube of a Del Toro written/directed Alka Seltzer commercial that stars himself as a werewolf! says:

 It’s good to know that Alka Seltzer not only helps with upset stomach, but lycanthropy.  Thanks, Del Toro!

Del Toro is one of my favorite directors, but not just because of his work. His films are, for the most part, fantastic stories, but visually, I feel they often run the risk of Timburtonitus, where all of the creatures just kind of look the same. My true love for Del Toro comes from interviews, behind the scenes videos on his BluRays and little things like this commercial. He is so passionate about his work, developing giant notebooks of sketches and ideas he knows he’ll never get to explore for each of his films. He is fully invested in his craft, and its incredibly admirable. Combining that with his charismatic demeanor and endearing accent, he’s a filmmaker I can’t stop watching and following.

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About Hollywood Slinky

The Hollywood Slinky has lived in Los Angeles, Chicago and Chattanooga. The Slinky attended film school at Columbia College in Chicago, is one of the creators and host of the film-centered podcast Lights Camera Cleveland and is currently a public relations specialist for a multi-million dollar corporation. Mostly, though, he just loves movies.

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