Captain America Plot and More Revealed

Captain America The First Avenger has been in production for a while now, and outside of some set shots we are only getting snippets of information about the movie.

But now some more details are being shared that include information about the costume, the plot and some behind the scenes trivia!

Get the Big Picture shares some details

– Chris Evans apparently didn’t want to sign a nine movie contract with Marvel, which included three Captain America films, three The Avengers films, and 3 appearances in other movies. Word is 3 of those were removed, and it’s likely the latter three. I’m willing to bet he didn’t want to commmit to three minor appearances, to keep his schedule free for other roles than Captain America. I wouldn’t rule him out of the three appearances, they’ll just be more on his terms.

– Evans had to bulk up for Captain America, but directer Joe Johnston wants shots of him as a “scrawny soldier.” To accomplish this, they plan on using camera angles, costumes to make him seem smaller, and special effects. Hopefully they do this part right, and not make Evans look cartoonish when trying to make him look thin.

– When the film is released in other countries, it will just be called The First Avenger, dropping the Captain America part of the name. Think the distributors are worried about lost ticket sales to the world’s view of America? Can’t think of any other reasons for this case.

– Marvel was considering making this a movie that jumps between the past and the present, but decided to keep the story based on WWII. This will likely hold better for the origin story piece, but to set up The Avengers, they’ll be using the ol’ “frozen in ice” storyline.

– The plot centers around Captain America leading a team of elite soliders known as the Howling Commandos as they go after the Red Skull and the Cosmic Cube.

– For the comic purists, the classic costume with the wings on the head will be in the movie. They have Captain America wearing it when they’re using him as a propaganda piece, but he hates it and ends up visiting Howard Stark. Stark helps him build the new suit that he’ll wear through most of the movie.

Very interesting stuff indeed!

I can see Sam Jackson signing on for a pile of flims since most of them were minor appearances, but I don’t think we need to have Cap littering up the place too. This introduction film will solidify him and The Avengers will work because of it. Then maybe another solo Cap film or two before another Avengers film. Those small appareances might not be much but they can stop him from other roles in non-Marvel films, and really are not required. If they find something useful for his character to be doing in another film, they can negotiate it then.

I was kind of hoping that they would find another actor to play scrawny Rogers, and maybe cg-replace his face with an appropriately proportioned Evans. Now I just hope that the effects and angles used properly show him off as being REALLY scrawny.

I also think its kind of silly that they are dropping the Captain America part. Its not like anyone lured to see “The First Avenger” are going to be mislead into thinking the character is named anything different, but foreign opinion of Americans could sway how it is marketed. Wait til they are in their seats in a big American made Hollywood film before you reveal your hero is called Captain America.

The Cosmic Cube part is a loose end. In the comics it was a mystical device capable of granting its possessor a single wish. I would suspect in the film adaptation it will be some strange power source for a superweapon Red Skull is crafting, that would win the war for the Nazis.

I am glad that they are keeping this ALL in World War 2 era, and likely ending it with him being frozen in ice. Keeps it authentic. And I don’t really mind much that they are ditching the eagle wings on his helmet, but still putting them in long enough to show how well they don’t translate as well as it does in the comics. And even the comics image, its kind of overlooked on purpose too.

I really hope we get a trailer soon!!

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6 thoughts on “Captain America Plot and More Revealed

  1. As far as I remember, the Cosmic Cube was originaly “Ultimate Power” and allowed the User to do literaly anything.

    After seeing the After Credits bit of Thor, I am convinced this will be the main story for the Avengers Movie.

    I am glad they are keeping it all in WWII as that makes a lot of sense but hope they wont write it in such a way as to end any possibility of an Invaders Movie at some point in the Future.

  2. I can see Sam Jackson signing on for a pile of films since they will all most likely pass 1 or 2 hundred million and Sam likes his title as “highest grossing actor”.

  3. Its nice to see all the little plot details that dovetail together in the marvel universe…its a little touch that will add up and pay off down the road.

  4. They already revealed earlier that the cosmic cube is some sort of Asguardian Technology to tie those movies together.

    I am more jacked for this movie than any previous marvel movie. I just love everything I have seen so far.

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