Age of the Dragons Trailer Online

The Age of the Dragons (formerly/working title “Dragon Fire”) is a film staring Danny Glover that will take a new look at the story of Ahab and his hunt for the White Whale in Moby Dick… but with Dragons instead of a Whale.

This trailer suffers from my biggest pet peeve for Movie Trailers. METAL MUSIC in a period fantasy film?

I am sorry, but it takes me out of the feel of the film, set obviously in medieval times to hear power chords and electric guitar. I am not saying that it needs to have a chorus of lutes and lyres, but honestly this distracts me so much from the feel and tone of the film that it makes me less interested.

Aside from that, it looks pretty good. And other films that have littered their trailer with power chord metal that thankfully had nothing to do with the movie soundtrack itself, so we can hope.

I wish they would stop doing that.

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17 thoughts on “Age of the Dragons Trailer Online

    1. The Moors (think Othello) were from North Africa and took Islam into Europe via Spain, so a black face would not have been remarkable in mediaeval times.
      Besides, when did historical accuracy ever matter in Hollywood?

  1. This looks Goofy as hell.

    I think the music actually makes this particular trailer seem better than it is.

    Danny’s got that “dont go there” expression on his face.

    Straight to DVD walmart $5.00 bin.

  2. Coming Soon it says at the end… where, straight to video? Cuz it looks cheap IMO. BTW, the metal music in the trailer? Just Remember the Titans fellas… Clash of the Titans that is, lol

  3. Yea, the music was a big distraction indeed. When I first read the synopsis for this movie weeks ago it sounded like a horrible idea. But after seeing trailer I feel a little better now. I wouldnt say it looks great but I am at least interested now.

  4. Ugh, yeah the music is terrible. I have nothing against metal – because I like some of it; but seriously keep it out of movie trailers. ALL of them. It only makes a movie seem 10 to 20x cheesier than it might actually be. I may edit this trailer after work and add some more fitting music since I’m bored. Also the ending titles…ughhh! ughh! I’ll fix those too.

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