The Avengers Comic-Con Highlights

Saturday was Marvel’s big day at Comic-Con 2010. They showed off some teasers regarding their future movies: Captain America: The First Avenger, Thor, and The Avengers. Let’s take a look at some of the “live blogging” highlights from The Avengers’ big panel.

CinemaBlend reports:

7:39 Avengers teaser played, Samuel L. Jackson voice over about getting Earth’s mightiest heroes together:

UPDATE: The full quote: “And there came a day, a day unlike any other, when Earth’s mightiest heroes and heroines found themselves united against a common threat. On that day, the Avengers were born.” The Avengers logo is slick and a little Iron Man 2 ish– expect it to pop up online very soon.

7:40 Jackson, Gregg, Scarlett Johansson, Hemsworth, Evans, and Robert Downey Jr. are all on stage! Robert Downey Jr. takes over on the mic and gets ready to make two more introductions.


7:43″ I had a dream my whole life, and it wasn’t this good” – Joss Whedon

7:44 Whedon says he’ll blow it, and he needs the audience’s support. The standing ovation and thunderous applause oughta do it.

7:44 Mark Ruffalo looks utterly terrified. Perhaps it just sunk in what he signed up for

7:45 The assembled Avengers stand for photo ops (great photo here) as the walls of Hall H metaphorically come crashing down. Marvel has once again ended the last Hall H panel with footage that people will be talking about for the next year.

Here’s the official roster:
Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury
Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark
Clark Gregg as Agent Coulson
Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow
Chris Hemsworth as Thor
Chris Evans as Captain America
Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye
Mark Ruffalo as Incredible Hulk

Wow. Now this is what I’m talking about. If this stuff doesn’t excited you, then you need to visit the doctor right away. Although we don’t get any actual footage or any plot details, we at least get the whole full cast representing The Avengers. We also get a small teaser, and The Avengers logo for the film. The roster of actors for this film, like director Whedon himself said, is just insanely awesome! Can’t wait for it. Too excited now…must lay down. Marvel is betting hard on this, and it shows.

What do you guys think? You like the logo? You like the cast for now? Would you direct such a film; too much pressure to deliver?

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7 thoughts on “The Avengers Comic-Con Highlights

    1. Thanos would rock, he’s actually my all time favorite Marvel villain. I’m not sure he’d work in the first movie though. I’m guessing they’ll tie it into to Cap and Thor and have Loki and/or the Red Skull involved somehow. Supposedly Cap has something to do with the Cosmic Cube and where there’s a Cosmic Cube, Thanos can’t be that far behind. Maybe Avergers 2?

  1. “Would you direct such a film?”

    No. I’d write/direct something else. That said…

    I may not be the biggest Whedon fan out there, but his director’s chair has value. It’s a dirty job…someone’s got to do it.


    BTW, you should have consolidated your posts.

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