New Spider-Man Casting Shortlist Revealed

More speculation winds up as they need to secure their lead before the Spider-Man remake starts filming before the year is out, and he just might be announced at Comic Con this year as the powers that be review screen tests for potential Parkers.

Get the Big Picture reports the new shortlist based on who was being reviewed.

We do know that director Marc Webb and the studio has its favorites and Deadline says their screen tests were viewed on Friday. Jamie Bell, Anton Yelchin, Aaron Johnson, Andrew Garfield, Logan Lerman, and Alden Ehrenreich have had their turn, and at least two others – Michaeal Angarano and Frank Dillane

Anton Yelchin is an interesting addition to the screentest list, but Logan Lerman was written off as specualtion and rumour. I wonder if the positive reaction to that casting-that-wouldn’t-be was in part responsible for actually having him considered again? It seems he is on that list.

Lerman is a solid young actor, and of all the names on this list I would most like to see him get the role.

The original idea for the remake was to have him younger and spend more time of the new franchise with Peter in his highschool years. While no news contrary to that plan have been stated, there have been some clearly “not highschool” contenders considered.

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21 thoughts on “New Spider-Man Casting Shortlist Revealed

  1. Screw all this, I wanna see Green Goblin come back without the Power Ranger helmet and see some aerial action scenes if there gonna make us watch 3-D. This movie will be the shit if they film it w/ Camerons toy

    The kid is secondary at this point. really, we need a solid Mary Jane of whatever love interest they go with, a convincing Uncle Ben and Aunt May(like last time) and bring a wicked played out Villan.

    just sayin’

    1. Why NOT???

      Aside from the fact that if Sony DOESN’T make the movie they will lose the film rights to the character… there is no reason NOT to continue making Spider-Man films.

      People kept going to the Raimi versions, why cant they enjoy these too?

      1. I bet they will enjoy, if the movie is good and worthy of sequels. It just has to be seen first, that’s all. Everyone’s dealing with confused feelings when changes are done.

  2. So in other words, the shortlist is nearly EXACTLY THE SAME as it was a month ago? Hokey-dokey. Alden Ehrenreich (Tetro) is still my vote on-list. Off list it is Carter Jenkins of Aliens In The Attic fame. But it’s interesting, some of the above comments…good to know I’m not alone in thinking that the teen Parker will be deep sixed in favor of a freshman college year.

    I know, I know. Yachts and babes…

  3. I am baffled by you constantly stating that Logan Lerman is a talented, young actor and that he is the best choice. Granted, I have only seen him as Percy Jackson but he was appalling in that movie. I have had a particular scene burned into my memory which is constantly ridiculed among my friends. The scene after young Percy’s mother is killed (to his knowledge), he is told so by Grover and the boy just sits up, gives a blank stare and shrugs it off. That is the epitome of what I don’t want to see for Petey. Peter deserves someone who can carry such a fast-paced, witty and emotional character. Logan Lerman is not him.

    1. So you saw one movie with him in it, and now you are a pro on his acting ability?

      I dare you to watch the now canceled Jack and Bobby and try to say he has no emotional depth.

      That he reacted a certain way in a movie is not his choice to make. He was directed to act that way. And not every one is going to burst into tears upon hearing a loved one dies. Not everyone reacts the same way. Perhaps it was shock.

      That you “keep hearing” Lerman is a great actor is because those people have seen him in more than one movie and can see the potential of this young actor who has already been working for 10 years.

    2. I don’t buy the concept Nola. Even if by your reasoning Percy Jackson was the only thing Logan was in…he was really good in it, wasn’t he? By the way, even though it wasn’t a big part, he was good in 3:10 To Yuma as well, playing opposite Christian Bale and Russell Crowe.

      Logan isn’t my choice for Spidey, but I would not complain if he was chosen.

  4. The Spidey that I’m use to is OUT of high school. I grew up in the 90s and the Spidey had bigger problems to worry about. I know that a good amount of the comic took place in high school, but I thought Spidey real problems took place after high school. Yes, Uncle Ben die during Spidey high school years. The only story that I could think of is the Gwen Stacy story line that could be adapted into a high school setting.
    Casting for Peter Parker: Logan Lerman look like Peter Parker and I think he would be a good Spider-Man.
    The movie will take place in high school, I hope they use Gwen Stacy not Marie-Jane.

  5. Based on who I could imagine being a young Peter Parker, I would go with Anton Yelchin or Logan Lerman. I think that Aaron Johnson could do a good job as well, but I’m not sure if I want to see him in another superhero movie. He did great in Kick-Ass though.

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