Leap Year Review

Thanks for checking out our Leap Year review

I know this film came out last week, but with all of you seeing Avatar for the third time you might want to start checking out other movies.

Genre: Romantic Comedy
Directed by: Anand Tucker
Staring: Amy Adams, Matthew Goode, Adam Scott
Released: January 8, 2010


Anna has everything she wants. A successful career, a promising application with an elite condo estate, and a loving cardiologist boyfriend of four years. But when he plans a fancy dinner before his trip to Ireland for a conference Anna thinks this is it. He is going to pop the question. But when he gives her earings and a hasty “see you when I get back” she is crushed. She then finds out about an Irish tradition that a woman can propose marriage to a man on Leap Day, February 29th – which just happens to line up with his convention there.

But weather, cows, and a variety of mishaps threaten to make Anna miss her window of opportuinity as she races across Ireland with a rude obnoxious pub owner/cab driver to try and make it to Dublin for the 29th.


Amy Adams is my crack. No matter what personality she is playing, she nails it and manages to still be as perfectly adorable as any of her previous roles. She is beautiful and charming. You can’t help but like her.

In this she plays a strong firm interior designer “Apartment Stager” who exudes confidence.


You see this develope in the trailer so I am not giving anything away here. She is racing off to get engaged to a guy that shows absolutely no qualities worth racing for. This cliche is in so many RomComs that it has become so tired for me. The girl is in a relationship, but then she meets someone else. But its ok, the guy she was with will turn out to be a jackass, and she will fall for the new guy.

But Adams is the only likeable character here. Except that she is completely irrational. I wont spoil the ending or who she chooses, but why she does it makes no sense. Yes, reasons are presented that make her look closer at her relationship but then she makes more irrational choices. It doesn’t make sense. BOTH options make no sense to go with after close inspection, but she flips a coin and goes against THAT logic too.


I was so frustrated with the stupidity of this film. In reality the exact opposite of what happened on film is really what is going to happen. It took any romantic notion or charm out of the film. There is no way anyone would choose what she chooses. None.

No, I am still not telling you which jackass she chooses at the end of the film.

So in closing, I give Leap Lear a 3 out of 10. And 3 of those points was just because Adams is so damned likable and they dress her up in tight skirts.

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10 thoughts on “Leap Year Review

  1. Amy Adams can add a sort of cute humor to even the most moronic of films. ‘Enchanted’ is a prime example. Getting back to Leap Year, it’s the same device we’ve seen over and over; girl chases proposal, guy is oblivious, girl finds other guy, girl must then choose. My appreciation for romantic comedies was somewhat hindered when The Proposal came out. Don’t suppose this will help.

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