New HD Clash of the Titans Trailer Online

UPDATE: We found an embed!

Sadly I could not find an embed of this trailer that was ganked from the intarwebs earlier this week, but Apple Trailers has the monster filled full trailer for Clash of the Titans in glorious HD. The one we posted is still there, but its a little sketchy, so if you want to see the HD clip, its online now.

The music in the trailer seems almost unfitting. Visually I love it, and Gemma looks downright angelic. Its pretty kickass, but that music is a tiny bit out of place.

You can still hop on over to Apple Trailers and check it out.

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12 thoughts on “New HD Clash of the Titans Trailer Online

  1. its just the fact that contemporary instruments and music usually doesnt work in period films. like when electric guitar is used in Pirates of the Caribbean 3 when they are walking in the sand. I HATED THAT! electric guitars weren’t even invented yet. or the rock music in the new robin hood trailer. it just doesnt work. For this trailer, Even though the music doesn’t match the era of the movie, I still think it works for some reason in. I dig it!

  2. Wow, very nice! This is a sword and sandals film I can get behind! I dig the music for the trailer, sure the rock music might seem out of place to some, but I think is works well with the action segments.

    I do love the original flick, but in my opinion there is no comparing the two they look and feel like two completely different movies – thank goodness! Oh, and when Liam Nesson said “Release the Krakken!” I just about squealed at my office desk…LoL. I’m so glad they kept that line!

    1. Not saying the music is bad. You can like the band all you want.

      It doesnt fit a sword and sandal mythical action adventure anymore than cheesey 80s synth (which was cool as hell back then) fit with Ladyhawke.

    2. Yeah youre right.

      I actually 100% agree with you that the music doesnt share the same vibe the movie should.

      But at the same time it does.

      The music does a very good job of following the trailer, almost like Ramstein did in Hellboy 2.

      And this song isnt any death metal song, the beggining and some parts of it have an old/epic and dare i say ancient tad to it?

      Its not Disturbed music, it actually does have a nice feel that fits with Cash Of The Titans, and then when the rock version of the song kicks off, the trailer stops being all mythical and Zeus-ish and they show badass action (giant scorpions) that FITS the metal-rock version of the song.

      I dont like The Used, but I do like this one song in particular (the bird and the worm) its a very different song from anything they ever do.

      But this is just my opinion


      I think that Mozart or Bach would have been good in this trailer, but then after the middle it would have had to be something a lot more uptempo to catch up with the scorpions and the demons action. The hard core action would have looked off place of it was Beethoven or something.

      Which brings me back to Helloy 2 and how badass the music in that trailer was, Watchmen also did a beast job of adding music to it.

      1. Hellboy was modern, so modern rock would work fine with it.

        I am not saying it has to be dull orchestrated Bach or Mozart (though they each have jaunty lively tunes) but a more composed soundtrack instead of “feature song” kind of music would be better.

        Elfman’s Batman theme is a perfect example. Despite the movie being over run with Prince in the sound track, the main theme and mood music were all appropriate to the film.

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