Hear Daft Punk’s Tron Legacy Theme Song Right Now

Edit: I am told that this is a reworking of Daft Punk’s theme by remixers Crydaluv and not the official mix. I will post more when I know for sure.

I was pleased with the news that Daft Punk was taking control of the soundtrack to Tron Legacy, and now you can sample the theme song to the long awaited Tron sequel right here.

I love the sound of this. Its not all that remarkable and doesn’t have the same riff I expected from the original. Its really not a remake of the original theme, but still very suitable with the digital sound.

Pretty groovy, but nothing earth shattering.

Still very suitable.


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14 thoughts on “Hear Daft Punk’s Tron Legacy Theme Song Right Now

  1. Pretty dull. I was imagining something a little less Homework and a little more Interstella 5555. Daft Punk have done better.

    But yeah this seems more like a promo thing or the sketch of a theme than a movie score. Probably the music video.

    I liked the music in the teaser trailer, I hope that Daft Punk are actually doing the full score and not just the music-video tie-in, which is what this sounds like.

  2. Not bad, sounds like Robot Porn Music. If Robots were to have porn (which I’m sure they do, getting all hot and fresh looking at exposed circuts and wires and such…. those dirty fiends) I think this would be the music that they would have sex to.

    1. i highly disagree that the Mass Effect composer should do TR2N. Daft Punk fits it perfectly. i am soooo looking forward to the TR2N soundtrack. in fact, i probably will go to see the movie but i won’t even watch it, i’ll just listen to the music.

    2. My thoughts exactly when I saw the trailer thingie, the music at the end is very similar to Mass Effects sondtrack.

      But I’m very pleased with this choice too, if not more so.

  3. At first I thought how could this be, but then I realized that:

    * it could be a general theme overall created for the Tron Legacy promo websites currently up and/or the main one when it goes…’online’.

    * it could be something discarded in favor of something else

    * it could be tossed in/made for a teaser trailer, as it had in the test footage at Comic Con.


    Note: I wonder if there is a Daft Punk remix of Journey’s “Separate ways Worlds Apart”- the TRON folks cleared the rights to the song, it seems. Journey did contribute a few songs to the first film.


    2nd note: the sample remix is great.

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