The Wachowski Brothers On Wonder Woman?

Wonder-Woman-Wachowski.jpgWonder Woman is one of those projects that can just never seem to find its feet. Joss Whedon was on it for a while but then eventually left the project, and thats about as close as we’ve gotten. It’s a shame too because very few people seem to be able to create strong female characters like Whedon does.

Our next best hope of seeing Wonder Woman on the big screen was with the (thankfully now scrapped) Justice League project, but that’s gone now too (thank goodness). So it seems we’re no closer to a Wonder Woman movie that we were 10 years ago. But that doesn’t mean things aren’t trying to happen.

Producer Joel Silver has been trying to get this thing off the ground, and he recently named dropped the Wachowski brothers as possible directors. This comes to us from the folks over at MTV:

One rumored possibility: the Wachowski brothers (”The Matrix,” “Speed Racer”). “At one time, Joel [Silver] said they might have an idea. But they got diverted to another project [and] never followed through,” he said, before adding, “There may come a time when they will be focused on ‘Wonder Woman’ and may come up with whatever their take on it was. They’re certainly very talented guys. Their vision for movies — whether they’re successful or not — is always singular.”

This would seem logical since Silver just worked with the Wachowski brother on that horrible piece of shit bomb “Speed Racer”. I know Silver respects them… but they also lost him a lot of money on that doomed project, so there’s something in me that doubts he’d be ready to jump into the saddle with them again on another named franchise project. But who knows.

To me, Wonder Woman is a bad idea for a movie. A great comic character no doubt, but I just don’t see a market for her in theaters… never have. I thought with a Joss Whedon attached there might be a chance, but without him, I really don’t see it. Just my opinion.

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19 thoughts on “The Wachowski Brothers On Wonder Woman?

  1. If they make a Wonder Women movie I think Angelina Jolie should play her. If not Wonder Women then she should definitely play Catwomen in the next Batman movie.

  2. Yea, I forgot these hacks butchered Speed Racer. How they take such a simple idea as the Speed Racer Cartoon and totally FIUBAR it to hell and back is beyond me. I want these two wankers as far away from the Wonder Woman project as possible.

  3. In order to do justice league wonder woman has to be involved. She is one of the core members. I say make it but get someone who can direct it great not these hacks that ruined speed racer.

  4. Singluar my ass,…singular by stealing ideas from young vulnerable college students. The Wachowski’s haven’t created anything original since after the Matrix.[period] And, even that movie was a stolen idea.

    get off your singular asses, Wachowski’s and do another SCI-FI the DreamScapesAxis movie.

  5. Had to read up a bit on WW just to understand her origins and powers a bit better. She suffers from the same problem Superman has, where much like how he’s the last son of Krypton, she’s like the daughter of the ancients Gods, so they’re both very alienated and unrelatable characters.

    It’s not impossible to write a WW movie. Bill Clay seems to have a good idea there about setting it in World War 2 and covering themes about women’s lib. And what would really set it apart from other superhero movies is the whole “being armed with the strength and weapons of the Gods” thing. I read about that and it instantly reminded me of stories about Greek heroes like Perseus. Might be interesting to see that theme carried over into a modern-day/WWII setting.

  6. I think the Wachowski brothers destroyed any chance Speed Racer had of being a success by making the film’s effects look like a wall-to-wall video game. It’s easy for them and marketing folks to look at the story and say, well obviously this is for kids, let’s make it look like the stuff kids these days like. Trouble is, Speed Racer is a nostalgia properly that was pretty firmly rooted in 60s era style and the spy craze, in addition to racing at the time it ran and its fanbase wanted to see that same world replicated. Had more of the film had the soft-pastel look of something like The Incredibles and if the camera had stayed in one place long enough to see what was going on, I think the movie would have been easier to get into. I liked that much of the story and dialogue were almost as deliberately tongue-in-cheek as the Brady Bunch films, but I wish the visuals matched the same retro anime tone more.

  7. I think these two brothers need to stay the hell away from Wonder Woman. They delay everything they touch, and truth be told they just arent getting the job done anymore.

  8. how come every time DC announces anything awsome you always hear “possibly” and “rumor”???

    yet movies like Tr2n are done filming.

    i do btw LOVE the name^^..but cmon…

  9. You know how to make Wonder Woman work as a movie?

    Set it in the late 1930s, film it like a Oscar-baiting period-piece biopic that ends with Wonder Woman going to war against the Nazis after Pearl Harbour. Then, all the themes of a “woman doing a man’s job” will resonate and actually be seen as progressive in a period where women and men were not yet viewed as equals.

    Plus, beating on Nazis is cool.

  10. If the Wachowski’s are going to go near Wonder Woman, or any big studio movie in the future then they need to do two things:-

    1) Start doing interviews and help promote your own damn movies that you’ve made with someone else’s money. You can’t afford to be mysterious guys who don’t give interviews anymore.

    2) Put your ego’s aside and get someone else to write your movies. I actually enjoyed ‘Speed Racer’ quite a bit but adknowledge that one of its big flaws was the plot and dialogue. I am now convinced that Matrix 1 was a fluke and the brothers are not good screenwriters.

  11. Hey Bjon86

    Dude, just because you liked them doesn’t mean you’re right and everyone else is wrong or “exaggerating”.

    In my opinion, the third matrix was more than just weak… it was a steaming pile of shit.

    Having said that… I’m actually one of the few people who liked the second one.


    I can’t beLIEVE you just said that the fuckin Matrix sequels were “pretty weak”! Gimme a break. I’m tired of people over exaggerating shit. Just because they didn’t hold as special an experience as the first, doesn’t mean they were weak. JESE! Whatever, to each his own but there were some fuckin BAD ASS parts in those sequels that were anything but “weak.” PLEASE.

  13. the best thing the w. bros could do is go back to the matrix 1 world and tell a new story. speed racer so very GOD awful, the matrix sequels were pretty weak too, so as it stands right now, i might not ever be interested in their work again unless they are willing to go back to what made them famous.

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