GQ Discovers Meagan Fox Used To Hump A Stripper To The Music Of Aerosmith!

Megan Fox Gq

Meagan Fox has revealed some of her glorious whorish escapades with GQ one of which involved a striper named Nikita. We get the following gossip from the romance caves of Yahoo:

“Well, that year my boyfriend broke up with me, and I decided — oh man, sorry, mommy! — that I was in love with this girl that worked at the Body Shop,” said Fox. “I decided that I was going to get her to love me back, and I went out of my way to create a relationship with this girl, a stripper named Nikita.”

Fox said Nikita would do “these beautiful slow dances to Aerosmith ballads.” The actress also said she would bring the Russian stripper gifts and try to inspire her to quit her line of work.

Someone call Aerosmith and let them know that their ballads still work. I usually don’t like to post stuff like this – but this right here is too awesome to ignore. Fox would get her Russian stripper girlfriend to dance to Aerosmith ballads – that is flat out awesome. I think if I had to plan a date with Fox and a Russian stripper – it would end exactly like that.

What isn’t cool is that she pulled the douche bag move of meeting someone, and then trying to change them. You started dating a stripper – she will strip; leave her be. Don’ ask an artist to leave their field of work – it isn’t classy.

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23 thoughts on “GQ Discovers Meagan Fox Used To Hump A Stripper To The Music Of Aerosmith!

  1. If I were Superman, she would be my Kryptonite! :P Just think she is awesome.

    I don’t know why everyone dogs her so much. Pamela Anderson got the same type of attention or even more and Morgan so far hasn’t done anything to deserve it other than be extremely hot. Pam on the other hand did lots of crap to tarnish her image.

  2. Is it just me or did everyone else also imagine a movie clip being played in the background describing and defining every moment between Fox and Nikita while you read the quote?

    My only Kryptonite…

  3. I have to admit I’m attracted to her and even if she doesn’t seem super smart she does seem like a nice person. I’d totally like to sit down and have a drink with her.

  4. actually i work at one of the worlds best internet firewall co. called sonicwall…im 30 years ols and have a sexy ass gf……..megan fox is meh….gain 30 lbs then maybe i would think about it over my current….is she hotter then mega…no but she cooks n cleans …idk if megan can so……

  5. @ Kristina:

    “So hot, SOOO stupid-sounding.

    Tragic, really.”

    What? Hot and stupid is an AWESOME combination. I for one am not too proud to admit that I would never have a shot at “hot” without the “stupid”.

  6. That’s true, the guy that broke up with her may have learned the difference between girlfriend hot (Body, no brains) and wife hot (brains,and good looking but not so smoking that you have to worry about Robert Redford offering 1M for a night with her).

    That guy must have been ready to settle down, yeah that must be it…

  7. I’m sure that the guy that broke up with Megan Fox probably did it for more of a reason than sex with Megan Fox and a stripper could make up for.

    I personally don’t get the Megan Fox attraction. Sure, she’s hot… but she comes off as being slightly dim, intellectually speaking. I could be way off on that, but I’ll go with it for now anyways.

    And just because she is physically attractive doesn’t mean that she has much to offer sexually speaking either. She could be horrific in bed. Who knows?

  8. I was going to object to your offensive use of the word “whorish” in your opening sentence but as I reached the end of the article, I suspect you meant it as almost a compliment…not sure which is more worrying! Although I do know for definite that the first poster is more worrying than either…

  9. I had all kinds of wtty things to say until I read the retardery of the first post…BigSampson, I hope your parents have other children that breed because your sense of priorities is sorely lost.
    Do you still live in your mother’s basement?

    How is imagining Megan Fox and a stripper in a lap dance to Aerosmith objectifying women? It’s a true story, therefore I am merely completing a re-creation in my mind. Hmmm…I know what my recreation will be for the next 3 months or so…

    Two people kicking themselves this morning…Said stripper Nikita, and the guy who broke up with Megan Fox. I’m sure if he knew she was interested in strippers they could’ve made it work.

  10. Right now my heart is breaking for all those people who have to watch me make my way home with ever-tightening pants. Sure wish I wore a long sweater today.

    Thank God I am still capable of objectifiying women.

  11. i love girls……but WHO CARES ABOUT MEGAM FOX when you can go out and buy and play a game bettter then WoW…..go buy warhammer doug…..u can be like me a black orc……go go tank master!

    WARHAMMER is a awesome game…its smooth and fun …like EQ and WoW mixed….im not saying its a gonna be a WoW killa but it can be….very well made game…actually its a lot smoother then WoW was in its initial stage……rodney come play too….i think john would just laugh.

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