Veronica Mars Movie?

Since it was mentioned on the live UnCut show this evening I thought I would dig it up and it turns out hte rumour wheels are running. An impromptu meeting with Rob Thomas and Kristen Bell took place and the subject on the plate was a Veronica Mars Movie.

EW Scooper Ausiello says:

The creator of Veronica Mars was sitting down with his beloved, lamented series’ star, Kristen Bell, to discuss bringing the cult hit to the big screen.


The impromptu powwow took place last week in the offices of Thomas’ Hollywood-based production company, which just so happens to be located on the same lot where Bell is shooting Heroes. “Kristen and I ran into each other, and we did discuss a Veronica movie,” confirms Thomas, who says he has also had “a few conversations” with Mars executive producer Joel Silver.

Now they were going to pass each other sooner or later, so it makes sense that they would talk a little shop about the show they worked on for 3 years. Maybe he was just testing the waters.

I would LOVE to see more Veronica Mars, but personally I would love to see more of it on TV. The show was awesome and it was taking a good direction right near its end.

Typically when a teen based show skips up to the college years, it jumps the shark. Veronica slid smoothly into that role. The teen sleuth made the appropriately logical transition from private investigator kid to actually making it count. She studied criminology.

Originally she wanted to follow in daddy’s footsteps running the Mars Agency (Enrico Colantoni was awesome) but gets a highly covetted internship with the FBI. Then the show is cancelled. Craptastic!

The plan was to fast forward the story to Veronica’s graduation and her first day on the job as an FBI Agent. I was really looking forward to seeing this progression of the show. The first episode was filmed and portions were conveniently leaked out to the net (to rally fan support no doubt) and I have to say I loved where it was going.

Too bad it never went. I would imagine if they do get around to making a Veronica Mars movie it might be a TV Special at best, and maybe if its a big enough hit, the show will see new light. Sadly TV doesn’t seem to work that way.

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16 thoughts on “Veronica Mars Movie?

  1. Honestly, Veronica Mars didn’t deserve to be cancelled nor have so little viewers. It has an original plot, realistic characters, and just enough drama and mystery to keep you watching until the very end of the episode. Also, it being one of the lowest ranked show is on the fault of CW because every week it had the same slot and as mentioned before it was competing against shows such as House (which, in my opinion, isn’t as good)so, if it wasn’t getting enough views, changing slot would’be been a good idea.

    Honestly, I can’t wait for the movie to come out to tie up some loose ends, I felt disappointed after watching the last episode of season three, it made me ask more questions than it answered.

  2. I was obsessed with this show to say the least. It’s unfortunate that shows like the OC lasted longer than Veronica Mars. Her wittiness completely made the show! I seriously hope that Rob Thomas could produce either a movie or a continuation to the show, and Veronica as an FBI agent is an awesome idea. The preview above of the first episode of season 4 doesn’t really tie up ALL of the loose ends, so i’ll be looking forward to anything Veronica Mars in the future!

  3. I think that if Veronica Mars was to come back it for another season it would be more like when fans protested so much that they brought back Jericho. But in all reality it would be best for them to do a straight to DVD movie, Worse case scenario only the fans buy it, best case scenario they catch a whole lot of new viewers it becomes a big success and possibly either do a 4th season or stick to DVD straight to DVD movies like the Stargate SG1 or soon to be Stargate Atlantis movies. Lately more and more shows are turning to that option and its not a bad one if they can make anywhere from 1 to lets say upward of 3 movies, that’s just awesome.

    Either way…lets face it either one of the choices is better than no discussion at all. I mean Veronica Mars best show hands down. Just be glad that they are talking about it at all.

  4. @Nat… We found out what happened to Joey… and no one cared. That was canceled FAST. A friends movie would just be fanwank, and as much as I would like to see more Veronica Mars, it should be a TV series… not a movie.

    Firefly was certainly meant to cap off a canceled series, that movie was best viewed in light of its history (though not absolutely required). Lots of that movie made no sense if you hadn’t seen the history.

    You don’t seem to be hitting many of these nails Nat.

  5. In response to Josh Miller’s comment:

    “Many many shows are moving to making movie “sequels. Futurama, Firefly, Sex and the City to name a few.”

    Firefly and Futurama were made to sum up the shows because they were cancelled (although Futurama made a comeback from the grave after being killed by Fox). I think that Veronica Mars has the same potential for money-making as the others. Serenity also was written as meant to be slightly seperate from the show, on account that they didn’t want to alienate new viewers by having a bunch of story in it that required you to have watched the first “season”.

    Regardless, there is a new demand for tv shows to be turned into movies so fans can have one last and final horrah and conclusion to their favourite shows. Everyone is wondering how Ross and Rachel made out with living together to raise Emma, and we all want to know whatever happened to Monica and Chandler and the twins, and whether Pheobe ever had a baby with Mike. And then there’s Joey. If Friends can talk about a movie I don’t see why it shouldn’t happen. And with Kristen Bell’s new found fame on the primetime television, she would certainly bring in enough money for a movie-released-to-theatres to be worth it.

  6. The YouTube video above actually isn’t part of a fully filmed episode. On the season three DVD, they explain that the video above is actually a sort-of mini presentation that they made for the powers-that-be trying to convince them to bankroll a season 4 with Veronica at the FBI. The whole presentation itself is only about ten minutes long and available as an extra on the season 3 DVD set.

    Too bad they didn’t pick it up. Veronica as a fed would’ve been pretty sweet.

  7. That video was awesome. Thanks for posting.

    I hope they can make it a good movie, and send it straight to DVD. It won’t go the way of Serenity if there are no crazy special effects and they don’t spend a ridiculous amount of dollars on marketing for a theatrical release . . . that would just be silly considering nobody watched the show (besides my group of friends and mysterious online folk)

  8. At the time I was undecided about the FBI thing since there were still some loose ends in season 3 but if they were to ever start the show up again, I think this would be a good way to do it and you could always connect it a bit to the old show with college flashbacks to fill in any blanks and possibly have old cast members return as guest stars.

    Personally I’d still like to see the guy who played her dad, Wallace and the computer girl as semi regulars. Forget the new characters from season 3 and the ex boyfriends.

  9. Veronica Mars is a really good smart show. Too bad it didn’t get the viewership it deserved. Teenagers prefer the OC type of drama while adults dismiss it as a teen show without even giving it a chance.

    The fans are rabid though so it still might work. And it has high profile fans such as Joss Whedon which might help in promotions.

  10. Josh, while it was sad that CW cancelled the show they were not stupid for cancelling it considering it was by far the lowest rated show on the network, and was the lowest rated show for three seasons. Three strikes and your out never seemed more appropiate. It doesn’t matter that there is a small cult following if the network doesn’t earn money.

  11. I don’t know, maybe something direct to DVD is likely. The show has a ton of cult followers and the CW was stupid to cancel it. Many many shows are moving to making movie “sequels”.

    Futurama, Firefly, Sex and the City to name a few.

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