Wet Hot American Summer Prequel?

Wet HotWe have news today that Wet Hot American Summer may be getting a prequel, thanks to CHUD via cinematical for the following news:

Earlier this month, we learned that Diablo Cody was taking over LA’s New Beverly Cinema to screen some of her favorite films, and she put together some awesome double features. The most recent was a screening of Midnight Madness and Wet Hot American Summer, and as CHUD reports, director David Wain was there for a Q&A with Ms. Cody, and he revealed some little nuggets of news.

First, there’s going to be an anniversary DVD release at some point, which would probably means the 10th anniversary in 2011, since new releases usually don’t come out on eight or nine-year anniversaries. It would contain more footage, as anniversary editions often do, but Wain also said that it might come with a soundtrack.

Then he shared some others news — he might do a prequel to the film. This sounds half serious and half completely ludicrous, but he said that he was scheming up a prequel that would star the same cast — playing younger versions of themselves.

I still have to see this movie. It has been recommended to me by so many, and I really need to get off my ass and watch it. More often than not, when so many people recommend a film; I usually end up loving it.

The source at CHUD goes on to assure us that David Wain seemed serious about this project, but until we hear something official I am going to assume that it’s speculative at this point.

For those of you that have seen the film – would you be down to see a prequel or should they just leave it be?

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9 thoughts on “Wet Hot American Summer Prequel?

  1. The original film is one of the funniest movies ever created. It is so hilarious in many ways–wit, physical humor, the absurd–and I would love to see a prequel. I have no doubt in my mind that it would be just as superb.

  2. I’d be open to a prequel, I enjoyed the first one a lot.

    It can’t hurt to make a sequel to a movie like this, as most people have never seen it.

  3. I think I didn’t laugh once watching that movie.
    Don’t know what it is but the humor of this film didn’t work for me AT ALL. So needless to say I wouldn’t watch a sequel/prequel.

  4. Ive never even heard of this film sadly, but the idea of a prequel where the old cast plays younger versions of themselves sounds like sheer gold.

  5. I personally wouldn’t be interested in a prequel but I didn’t find the film funny at all. Not my kind of humor. Infinitely funnier than say Borat which I found to be the least funny movie ever made. The only character I’d like to see more of is the guy from Law&Order who’s in love with the fridge(you need to see the movie to get it).

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