Wanted 2 On The Way

Within the silly absurdity of a thousand year old league of super assassins who can curve bullets (I guess they curved arrows at one point in their history) lay one of the most pure fun times I’ve had at the movie theater in a long time. Wanted to me was just an outstanding movie that just nailed everything it needed to nail to deliver a solid experience at the theater. No, not everyone loved it, and I can totally understand why, it’s not for everyone. But for me, it hit all the right chords.

I thought this movie would get just destroyed at the box office since it didn’t seem to have too much buzz, and it was going head to head with Wall-E, but with it approaching $200 million world wide (on a $75 million budget) we shouldn’t be surprised to hear confirmation that Wanted 2 is being pushed forward.

The good folks over at ComingSoon give us this:

Universal Pictures has reupped Wanted producer Marc Platt for five years, keeping Marc Platt Productions on the lot through late 2012. The deal comes as Platt begins work on Wanted 2 with director Timur Bekmambetov and writers Michael Brandt and Derek Haas.

This fills my dark cold heart with joy. I never thought James McAvoy could pull off “Action Hero”, but holy crap I was wrong about this. The little hobbit totally worked in the action role and convinced me he could kick my ass (not the hardest thing in the world to do). Can’t wait for the sequel.

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24 thoughts on “Wanted 2 On The Way

  1. I think that a new film could easily have a storyline with more than one fraternity, perhaps Mcavoy could be being chased by other fraternity branches around the world that are looking for revenge against him for destroying one of them. This would make him “wanted” again but with alot more difficulty as he has more than one fraternity to deal with.

  2. I just got back from seeing “Wanted” for the 3rd time. It’s now been out for almost 3 weeks and it is a Tuesday night and the theater was still packed!! I definitely see where they can go with the next movie i.e. where does the loom get it’s fate info? Also, as I’ve read in other articles, they can use Jolie and Freeman in flashbacks if they wanted them back. I’m really looking forward to Wanted 2 and James McAvoy is the reason I will see it!

  3. I just got back from seeing “Wanted” for the 3rd time. It’s now been out for almost 2 weeks and it is a Tuesday night and the theater was still packed!! I definitely see where they can go with the next movie i.e. where does the loom get it’s fate info? Also, as I’ve read in other articles, they can use Jolie and Freeman in flashbacks if they wanted them back. I’m really looking forward to Wanted 2 and James McAvoy is the reason I will see it!

  4. ‘I never thought James McAvoy could pull off “Action Hero”, but holy crap I was wrong about this.”

    Isn’t this what they said about Bruce Willis when they heard he was cast in Die Hard?

    Now, don’t get me wrong, I think Bruce has/had way more charisma than McAvoy. But one must admit McAvoy he did a fine job selling himself as an everyman action hero. And this is with out the great writing and dialog that Bruce had to work with in Die Hard.

    I for one am looking forward to Wanted 2.

  5. I won’t bother with this film unless I see something that indicates this will be a lot better than the first one…the first one was NOT very good. Enjoyable but not very well written.

    I also think the only reason people showed up is because they figured it was Angelina Jolie doing cool shit the entire film…much of what she did was stand around instead.

    I’m not saying there wasn’t some cool stuff in the movie (there was) just the storyline sucked.

  6. Hey there Ouija,

    Jolie is not a hot commodity right now. 3 of her last 4 films tanked

    A Might Heart – $9 million
    The Good Shepherd – $59 million
    Alexander – $34 million

    I really don’t think her being attached will have any bearing whatsoever. McAvoy was the star of that movie, and people will go to see it again.

  7. Even so, I dont think that the first flick was all that hot. Maybe it was because the night I went the employees from the local amusement park had their free employee night…or maybe it was because John hyped the movie up for me ;p

    I really think a “second” Wanted will bomb if it doesnt have the star power…Angelina is a hot commodity at the moment…

  8. While I didn’t love the film, I will admit to being a bit more curious about the character played by Terence Stamp. There seems to be a story in there somewhere, so, even though I thought Wanted stunk like donkey dung, (aside from the train sequence) I could see where it could open it up for sequels.

    But the question is, aside from McAvoy and Stamp, could anyone else return? I am tempted to say “maybe” because a character left for dead (who didn’t stand on an X) could find a little bit of energy to “take a bath” (indeed, while a longshot, what if they “wanted” Jolie back? There you go. If the first film ignores the laws of physics, what difference does it make?)

    I’m not eager to see a sequel; but there is potential for one. I just hope they make it a bit better. I might rent it on DVD one day.

  9. I see this trilogy playing out much like the matrix did, the first movie was refreshing and awesome, the second one will simply expand on the action, which I liked and will definitely see it, then the third will somehow have to wrap up the story and in doing so will be awful.
    Also, I would have like to see more development of jolie’s character and the relationship between her and macavoy in the second, but I guess that wont happen.

  10. Hey Ouifa,

    I 100% disagree with you. Movie stars just don’t draw anymore. Will Smith is pretty much the only one who still does.

    People will see the sequel because the first one was so much fun.

    And for the record, I certainly didn’t see if because of Jolie. I saw it because the movie looked good.

  11. Apparently John and I have the similar vibes toward this movie as I gave it 9/10.

    Now it’s time to see General Zod do his shite!

    Looking forward to the complete trilogy when all said and done.

  12. I enjoyed Wanted way more than I thought I would. The only reason I went to see it in the theaters was because of the buzz and damn it entertained me in every way possible. Sometimes it’s nice to unplug the brain and enjoy. I’d be good with a sequel as long as McAvoy returns. I’m not sure I’d be as excited otherwise.

  13. That’s too bad. I really did not enjoy the movie…the absurdity and cliche storyline really bothered me. Plus the fact that, Morgan Freeman who I enjoy very much as an actor seemed to be playing his character for a paycheck rather that for the role and movie…a truly disappointing performance by a fine actor.

    Iron Man and Hellboy were so much more enjoyable and much better movies.

    But each to their own.

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