Wham! Movie On Hold

WhamIt looks like the Wham! movie is on hold until further notice. We get the dreadfully depressing news from our friends at cinematical:

The Guardian’s quote from Napier-Bell regarding the Wham! movie seems to come directly off the guy’s website, on which he answers a fan’s query about whether or not a Wham! movie will ever happen. Napier-Bell notes that people are interested in such a project but that it would all depend on George Michael, who could either disallow rights to the group’s music or demand too much control. He states that Michael would likely get to say yes or no to any scripts that come about. I’m sure a greenlight on any film would also depend on whether or not there’s any actual demand for a Wham! movie.

For those of you that are pining for a Wham! movie, we will be sure to keep you abreast of the situation. I am not a fan of their musical stylings, and think that George Michael was wise to part ways and start off on his own. It will be interesting to see if George gives the green-light for this to happen – or if he would rather let the tale of Wham! fade into obscurity.

We have done a few posts about this project, so I was surprised to learn that it isn’t really going anywhere at this point. I guess we will have to wait and see what happens.

Are any of our readers Wham! fans, or do you have a Wham! related story that you care to share with us?

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4 thoughts on “Wham! Movie On Hold

  1. Sorry, T-Boy, but this is ridiculous. Movie studios only have the money to green light so many projects. When an asshat project like “Wham!” comes along and some executive actually gives it the go-ahead, then precious resources are taken away from films that might have been worth something. If you like Wham! so much, then put on your panties, buy a George Michael poster and STFU!

  2. Oh thank God….

    We’ve just narrowly avoided a movie whose principal photography would have been done almost entirely on-location at a truck stop men’s room….

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