New Hulk Images

Empire Magazine has quickly become my favorite print movie rag, and today we got word about a couple of new exclusive images they have for the upcoming new Incredible Hulk film (that has nothing to do with the Hulk film from a couple of years ago with Eric Banna). Check it out:


For a bigger version of this one and another shot from the movie, you can check it out over here.

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17 thoughts on “New Hulk Images

  1. Looks like the guy is the perfect height to give hulk a ….. Forget it!! This is going to be a great summer of movies. I can’t wait to see this. I wanted Ang Lee’s Hulk to be so much more, but it just wasn’t for me. Now this is what I want to see. Someone who is on par with the Hulk in terms of size and strength. I hope the battle between the two will be a memorable one.

  2. I can’t get pumped up for this film…feels pretty much the same way Katrina has expressed her thoughts.

    If this fails we will have history in the making…

    Orginal & Reboot…both attaining mediocrity.

  3. If the rumors about some conflict between Ed Norton and the studio are true I would think it was because Norton wanting to make a more character driven film than an action film, judging by his resume. Then it would basically be the same thing as Ang Lee did. The studio wants a action driven film but I’m pretty sure Norton is trying to put some sort of character development in there, which of course is never a bad thing but tends to slow down the pacing of the story.
    I’m not sure the decision to hire an actor mostly known for his dramatic work is such a good idea when you are trying to make an action movie. But hopefully it will work and everybody will be happy.

  4. @T-Dog

    More people are willing to accept Iron Man because there isn’t a bad taste in their mouths from a recently released piece of shit movie. Iron Man is a breath of fresh air, while this thing is looking to be the Dutch Oven of the summer. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on my wallet.

    I was willing to accept the whole “We know you all hated the first one, so we’re not gonna do that shit again” reboot idea, but that trailer did everything wrong for me. At no point did I feel pumped up or excited. I sat there, watched the trailer, and went on with my life as if nothing had happened. This thing looks even more morose and woe-is-me than the first one, if that’s even humanly possible. The lack of any real push for a film that is quickly approaching also has me highly suspicious. If they don’t want to virally market, fine by me. Viral marketing is an annoying tactic, anyway, but the monk-like silence from Universal leads me to believe that they are VERY worried about this thing that they’ve got on their hands. I mean, if I had something good that I believed in, I’d be pimping that thing left and right. All the other summer movies have been hitting us with a steady stream of info, while this thing stands in the corner, shaking like a virgin in Jenna Jameson’s house. These fears could end up being completely baseless, but in a summer expected to hit $4/gallon of gas, I gotta be careful with what I blow my cash on. I’d rather save my $$ for a sure thing than something that I’m 99.99999999% sure is gonna suck and blow simultaneously.

  5. I remember seeing that exact shot in the Ang Lee film, only it was the Hulk and Jennifer Connely.

    Does this photo indicate a hidden relationship in ‘Incredible Hulk’ that we never knew was there? It’ll make that final fight much more interesting;)

  6. I mean seriously…the one thing the orginial DID do on special effects was make hulk look somewhat realistic, in this one they’ve taken a step back and thought…hmmm Jurassic Park had nice effects lets do it like 1992!! Ok so that was random…

  7. I think that Iron Man will appeal to the wider audience – although it does seem a bit weird to be saying that people could handle a man cast in Iron and flying around but baulk at the idea of a man mutating into a green giant. Either way I’m much more excited about Iron Man. As much as I want to get excited about the Hulk I can’t get over the fact that all I’ll be watching is 2 cgi characters fight a lot. And how does he manage to get those jeans to stretch so well?

    Empire magazine is by far the best movie magazine

  8. I ve said it once and ill i say it again this was my most anticipated film of the summer, but the more I see of it the more I starting to dislike it. I really hope I m wrong. ( that picture looks like a psone render of hulk simply awful. )

  9. like i sayd: best movie of the summer.

    i love the fact that theyre making the hulk wear blue jeans instead of the lizard-man-from-spider-man-purple-pants purple pants….

    i think the hulk will regret not killing this guy when this pic was taken and he was normal when we get to the end of the movie….juuust a smart prediction..cuz im smart..jamies smart…smart…im ~*smart*~

  10. I just wanna state that you’re wrong. It IS a sequel to the other Hulk flick, as stated by the producers and director themselves. It just doesn’t directly reference the events from it, but they have indeed happened in this timeline.

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