Alien Vs Predator: Requiem Japan Poster

The first Alien Vs Predator movie had some fun elements to it, but it was nowhere near as good as most fans were hoping for or expected. The trailers and clips from the upcoming AVP-2 seem to SUGGEST that this time they may have got it right (understanding what people are wanting out of a cheesy premise like AVP. Fun action, some funny one liners, and lots of Aliens and Predators killing each other and some hapless humans along the way. It’s not a hard concept).

Anyway, came across this very stylized and cool looking new AVP-2 poster that comes from Japan. Personally, I dig it.


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10 thoughts on “Alien Vs Predator: Requiem Japan Poster

  1. well i guess the movie wasnt too bad except for culling good charictors quiet early and some loose ends that dont seem to fit within the whole scheme of things…. anyhow whats the deal with razing areas with nukes???? and wouldnt have NORAD figured that something entered the earths atmosphere or even the population of the town??? things like this dont make sense to me???

    anyhow the movie deals with my needs for aliens and predator movies and i guess it could have been worse Aliens 3 / 4…… need i say more???

    japanese to english translating never works out well, they have cultural / lingual specialties whereas english speaking countries seem to say how it is whereas Japanese and other asian languages leave bits clear for others to fill hense “New Kind, Coming Up”…….

  2. @Mozzerino:
    I feel that FOX has to take some responsablity for green lighting AVP. However, even though it made less money than expected FOX is willing to try again. Just like Marvel is doing with Hulk or Punisher. FOX exces just know about business they dont know what is quilified as a good film. Can you blame them for Hiring Anderson…YES! Can you blame them for looking at dalies and saying ok looks good….YES. Can you blame them for how the movie would make audience react….NO. See thats the writers and directors job. Since this is not an orginal film and that there is source material to be built on the film makers need to look at it an incorparate it into their film. Its like with Transformers, Bay did listen to fans when he hired Peter Cullum to play Prime and when he decided to change Megatrons head. If as John says that writers are one of the most important ppl in the film business then point the finger at the writer for making a bad screen play. Point the finger at the Director for making a movie based on a bad screenplay. But you can hardly blame FOX because they lost money on a bad movie story with bad directing. As for Alien 5 I think it never will happen which is why they did AVP in the first place.

  3. @Grave:
    Of course FOX is to blame. Do you seriously think they hired Paul Thomas Anderson because he makes quality films? RESIDENT EVIL anyone? They wanted a quick buck on the back of two well established and highly respected brands and they got it. And now they’re trying to do the same thing again.
    In doing so they destroyed any chance of a quality ALIEN 5 with someone like Ridley Scott at the helm. The franchises have now descended two SAW-quality basically.
    Even more so, the setting of this new movie is ridiculous and fucks up the whole continuity within the series big time!

  4. ehh not that interesting of a poster. Looks like a guy just got a screenshot from the set of an alien, contrasted the colors a lot, and then slapped some text on it. What’s the point of the splatter marks on the text? Fail!

  5. Well its a cool poster, but if the film is called Alien vs Predator you think they have a Predator in there also. Also the only thing i dont like from what i seen in the trailer is the Alien/Pred creatute, and the stong female lead that you know will live by the end of the film. As for the comments made by Mozzerino, FOX didnt ruin the franchies. They just made a mistake hiring a crappy writer and director. So now FOX decides to head into the next film with new writers and directors. This film looks worth a watch at least. Then if they screw it up again you can blam FOX.

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