REC Poster and Teaser

Ok, I’ve been hearing a lot about this horror flick in Spanish for a while now called REC. The film is already getting developed into an english version too… but man I gotta tell you I don’t think there is a horror flick I’m more looking forward to seeing that this one.

As I said once before… there is something about virus movies (except for zombie viruses) that just CREEP THE FRIGGING HELL OUT OF ME! Outbreak (Dustin Hoffman) was one of the worst for that (in a good way that is), and the premise for this movie REC just freaks me out just reading about it:

In the film, a downtown Los Angeles apartment building is quarantined after a mysterious deadly and highly contagious strain of rabies breaks out. A reporter and her cameraman are among those trapped inside.

AArrhhgggheeee ewwie ewwie ewwie! I feel all contaminated just reading that. Anyway, this new poster is now shooting around and I think it’s terrific.


And also for good measure, here’s the teaser:

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10 thoughts on “REC Poster and Teaser

  1. OMG! I can’t wait to see this, I’ve been looking at upcoming movies on (upcoming horror and on, I saw this and freaked! This is what I would call a classic horror flick that is completely worth my paying to see. Any news of when its going to convert to english? Hell I’ll even settle for an english sub-title!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me something!

  2. sounds a bit like Demons2 except those were demons in an apartment block – or shivers by Cronenburg – both good horror flicks. preferred demons to demons 2 though.

  3. OMFG!! That looks hairy!!! I am pumped now and am wondering how come I never heard about this since the horror genre is my favorite!!! I would much rather see this with subtitles than see an american remake since most of the american versions of these films suck donkey butt compared to the film that originated from other countries and it isn’t just the asian ones either!! So far everything has paled in comparison to the real movies!!! I guess those of us willing to read subtitles will and for those that hate them or perhaps are illiterate, they can have the american remakes!!

  4. The big argument I always hear is:
    “If I wanted to read, I’d buy a fuckin book”

    Which is a shame. I used to be so against subtitles but I am glad that I have been able to adapt to watching the subtitled films. One of the bonuses of watching a subtitled movie is that you really have no idea how shit an actor is based on the words the speak, cuz you have no idea what the hell they are saying.

    With that out of the way, I cannot WAIT for the film. I love Zombie/virus films and always will. This one in particular got me pumped because of it’s EXTREMELY well edited teaser (not to be confused with the official trailer). Big studios take note. This is a lesson in “How to make a proper teaser”.

    “There’s a chick running! She’s scared! What’s she running from? Wait what’s that noise? ZOUNDS! The End.”

  5. Hey John

    I live in Switzerland but I am an American from Philadelphia. I know that the US doesn’t bring in the goods. But it is worse than that. I took my mom to see the Borne Identity years ago. The showing had a special ‘English subtitles for the hearing impaired’ she moaned and moaned about there being subtitles WHEN THE MOVIE WAS IN ENGLISH.

    Aside from the disregard for the deaf in this particular case, what I can’t get my mind around is why Americans but seemingly not Canadians (I also lived in Ottawa) have made the equation that subtitles/dubbing equals bad.

    Perhaps you are spared in Canada by years of Franco/Anglo-Relations.

    What scares me is the vicious cycle Hollywood is putting us in: they say the people don’t want these things, but the people don’t want them partially because the don’t know them and so on and so on.

  6. First of all, this movie looks wicked. It’s been a while since we had a good scare without all the Hollywood BS.

    But that said, Hollywood seems to just HAVE to get their fingers on it. I watched ‘Pulse’ last night, the Japanese version. Everyone told me to avoid the US version. I am glad I did. The Japanese was scary and thought provoking, some interesting comments on Japanese society, etc.

    Why is it we have to remake everything in America? Why can’t we just put subtitles on the films, or dub them like we do here in Switzerland? After all, American’s won’t notice half the time it wasn’t filmed in English.

    In fact, sometimes in Europe to get a bigger crowd, a whole movie will be filmed with a German actor and a French actress, they both speak their roles in their own language and then the other one gets dubbed in later. Imagine that in the USA!!!

    How can a remake be less a risk than slapping some English dialog over the original. After all, if we can do it in Geneva (the Cinema World’s Black Hole) then they can do it elsewhere.

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