Jim Carrey Does Yes Man

Jim-Carrey-8We’ve talked a little about the meteoric fall of Jim Carrey a couple of times recently. For a time, this man turned everything he touched into pure gold. But recently, the dude can’t seem to find his stride at all. The Number 23 was a wretched movie. Fun with Dick and Jane was a let down, and he’s had a couple of cool sounding projects fall through (including that funny sounding one where he and Ben Stiller were going to play male sex slaves).

Now he’s just signed up for a new comedy that sounds a lot like Liar Liar in a few ways. Yahoo News gives us this:

Jim Carrey has said aye to “Yes Man,” a comedy he hopes to shoot in October. Based on a memoir by British author Danny Wallace, the story centers on a man who decides to change his life by saying yes to absolutely everything that comes his way. Unexpected comedic adventures ensue.

After reading that, can you see why I instantly thought of Liar Liar? At any rate, I really hope this one works out. I’m one of those guys who really enjoys Carrey when he’s on his game. But “Yes Man” doesn’t sound like the vehicle to do it to me.

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12 thoughts on “Jim Carrey Does Yes Man

  1. 100% with you there pineapplehead! He was great in INternal Sunshine and the direction of that movie was awesome as wel, the director plays a huge role in it as wel! Remember that!

  2. I loved both Eternal Sunshine and The Majestic. I’d rather see more of those Carry films than another dummed down two hours of him making stupid faces.

  3. i don’t get why his career is suddenly in such big trouble…i really do think it is a bit of a media beat up…

    Sure the number 23 bombed but he has not had a gigantic bomb in a comedy role outside of cable guy (which is his best film by far). his dramas never do that well truman show aside.

    even his last comedy dick and jane made over hundred mill and the one before that bruce almighty made over 200 million so for a straightforward carrey comedy he is still a pretty safe bet….I just don;t know why all of a sudden his career seems to be in such desperate shape……it just seems weird to me that with his track record a studio would be wary of making a film with him as long as it is a straighforward carrey comedy…..

  4. I would like to see JC in more dramatic rolls. Robin Williams is better dramatic actor than comedy. I would hate to see him go down the same path as Eddie “shit don’t stink
    ” Murphy. (who I cant’ stand)

  5. Jim Carrey was pure gold in “In living Color” honestly in any of his seasons he made burst out laughing more than all of his movies combined and the rest of the cast was just as funny.

    ps. back then he was james carrey.

  6. It may sound a lot like liar liar, but the book Yes Man was brilliant. Really, really funny story. Give it a chance – I have to admit when I read the book I didn’t picture Jim Carrey, but it really is a great story

  7. Jim Carrey these days is like that painfully older woman who still thinks she’s hot shit and still goes to clubs to pick up guys, but instead of getting major cockplay, she gets laughed out of the club. You’re not hot shit anymore, Jim. Go home, bang Jenny McCarthy, and spare me the punishment of having to see your face anymore. Thanks.

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