Barbarella Remake on its way

A Barbarella remake has been in the works for nearly two years now. We first heard of it when Lindsay Lohan was rumoured for the role. And now it seems some progress is being made.

Producers Din and Martha De Laurentiis just grabbed the rights to the classic 1968 Jane Fonda flick “Barbarella” and have hired Neal Purvis and Robert Wade (both wrote “Casino Royale”) to write the script.

De Laurentiis produced the original flick and just regained film rights from the rights holder, Julien Forest, the son of the Frenchman who made the original “Barbarella” comic book.

Sci-Fi, action, adventure, you can call it whatever you’d like. But for those who have seen the original “Barbarella,” you’ll know the flick was an excuse to show hot chicks in next to nothing, if not nothing. The most memorable scene from the film is when Jane Fonda gets into her zero grav chamber and strips down to…well nothing.

I agree heartily with the Filmwad writer when he suggests this role should be taken by Scarlett Johansson, if only to see her in the various Jane Fonda inspired outfits. I need some “me” time to purge that thought from my head.

But honestly, as much as I would love to see a remake of this sexploitation flick, can it honestly translate to modern times? The T&A in that movie was so controversial in its time and made this b Movie an instant cult classic for even daring to be made. But honestly we see more daring stuff in a Britney Spears video today.

How do you remake a movie about a space traveling sex vixen who nearly dies having an orgasm, when this is the STARTING POINT of a Pussycat Dolls video.

And how do you make it without making porn stars blush?

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12 thoughts on “Barbarella Remake on its way

  1. How do you re-make this? Pretend it’s still the sixties, keep the budget low, put in as much over the top comedy as you can, and don’t take yourself seriously.

  2. Scarlett is sexy. EVERYTHING she is in, she is sexy.

    She adapts to a plethora of looks. She does them all very well.

    If you don’t like her, that is fine. But you would have to have NO sense of sexual drive at all to compare her to a dead fish. That is just retarded.

  3. I would prefer they put the money into hiring good writers to come
    up with something original…

    I don’t hate remakes as a rule…I take them on a case by case basis like any film but for every fucking remake idea that gets greenlit there must be a stack of great original ideas that get shot down…..lets face it there seems to be a hellof lot more remakes announced then original ideas…..

    that why the “bombing” of grindhouse upsets me…..for all its debt to older films and how it is a “tribute” to other works if you can name me a more original idea than this entire project (double feature…fake trailers etc etc) to have been tried out in cinemas in the last fucking 10 years then this i would like to hear it….

    even if you didn’t like the result (which I did) at least they tried to do something different…..but by all means roll on wild hogs 2:euro hogs where the whole wacky gang is back only this time they get involved with jean reno in a diamond smuggling ring while they bike across europe…….

  4. CJ, that means nothing.

    How many people knew the Dukes of Hazzard? How many people know Starsky and Hutch? How many people knew of Charlies Angels? How many people knew of Battlestar Galactica? How many people know the original Transformers? All of these shows were cancelled before any university aged students were even born. But they still remake them.

    These are all things that SOME people know that saw a generation gap. That is why they remake them.

    My kids are watching the Original Transformers cartoons that I have on DVD and they are in absolute wonderment that I used to watch these shows when I was 13-14 years old.

    If anyone remembers it at all, you can market it. If no one knows it at all you can market it. Even if 9 out of 10 people “on the street” couldn’t tell you a thing about it.

  5. Marketability is a problem, in my opinion. How many people would actually know the original if you walked up to them on the street and asked them about it?

  6. I love the orig. however, just the mention that Lindsey Lohan was even considered for the role turns my stomach and makes me feel that it’s already going in a wrong direction.

  7. You can’t remake it for the reasons you’ve already mentioned. Some things are a product of their time and trying to translate them to today’s audience is silly. Look at the poor showing of Grindhouse.

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