TMNT – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Featurette

I have had my reservations about the up coming Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3d animated feature. I have always been a big fan, but time and time again I see it get washed down for a preteen target audience. Some incarnations have a little more edge, but still aimed at the same demographic.

When I saw the first trailer for TMNT, I was all pumped about it. It looked dark and gritty. No surfer turtles. No goofiness. Then one of them falls into a dumpster and skips off a one shot gag. Sigh.

Now I caught wind of an extended trailer that is being labeled as a Featurette, and while it gives away a LOT of the plot, we see a lot of stuff that actually makes the movie look like it will be pretty damned cool. There is still some campiness to it, and its still clearly aimed at kids. But it looks to have a lot that someone like me can still enjoy as well.

I have to warn you. This falls pretty close to the SPOILER category as it may give away a little TOO much about the plot. Watch it if you dare, but you are warned.

Click here to see the featurette. Its pretty cool.

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17 thoughts on “TMNT – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Featurette

  1. The plot for this movie has saddened me, but i will still see it. I just hope that somebody out there realizes that they need to be redone. No offence! I like the orginals, but a movie based strictly from the orginal comic would kick butt! The only problem i see would be complaints from parents about the violence. I would not have a problem with the decrease of language and little gore, but some parents would still complain. This is because most people only remember the “let’s eat pizza!!” turtles, not the hard-core “Let’s kick some serious butt!” turtles. Still, i will perhaps watch this.

  2. I like the some of the humor, but i remember in the comics they used to cut those foot soldiers to ribbons, I mean freaking Leonardo cut Shredder’s his head off. Their ninjas aka assassins, kill some people. I hate this kidde stuff.

  3. It’s obvious that I’m in the minority here, but I liked what I saw in the featurette. I like the idea that time passed and the 4 brothers have kind of gone their separate ways. The action looks amazing and this actually looks like it takes place after they had defeated Shredder as well as the Foot (hence they were surprised to see the Foot again). Some of the lines are a really cheese ball, but I’m OK with that, as long as they’re within good storytelling.
    I’m not sure if I’ll go to the theatre to see it, but I’ll definitely put it on my list of “must watch” movies.

  4. I don’t understand how you can say you’re a big fan of the Turtles but not like the humor. Because the humour has been present in pretty much every single incarnation ever. Every comic, every show, every movie. Sure, theres action, but its all action involving 5 foot turtles named after famed artists!

    Gags and Ninja Turtles are inseparable.

  5. i have seen the film in its preview day and i can say that if u are a ORIGINAL comic book turtles fan then u may like this more than the cartoons and the old films its darker but still has the funny side to it, However if u are a old cartoon fan and like the old movies but also apreciate the fact that the turtles return to thir roots and become a more darker ass kickers then u will love this film, I have watched the turtles since i was little and am now 19 and i loved the movie i think its has done the turtles justice, to me anyway i think its is one of the best films i have seen in ages, However saying that there are just 1 thing i would have liked witch is to see more of Donatello (My fav turtle) but apart from that (The fact that there is no shreader has no effect on the film it is still amazing yet a second film may see him back, Anyway i’ll rap this up now with just saying the fight sence on the roof in the rain is f*****g awsome the CGI looks amazin please coment back to this thanks from Alan.

  6. When I was a kid TMNT was the greatest, but now it sucks. After reading the comic and seeing what the TMNT was really all about I can’t bring myself to watch this soft weak kiddie crap. cowabunga!!!

  7. I grew up watching the original turtles cartoon. The turtles movies were the first movies I got to see at the theatre. I even watched the newer series (which I actually thought was pretty entertaining, especially compared to a lot of crap shown on Saturday morning). So, regardless of word of mouth, I will be watching this movie. It’s a bonus that I think it looks pretty exciting to boot.

  8. I, like you was excited for the few seconds of the trailer, but the more I see of it, the more I am skeptical. I agree, MAYBE IF word of mouth is good.

  9. Honestly, I saw the trailer and thought, “looks like shit. Avoid like plague”. Maybe MAYBE if word of mouth is good, I’ll catch it, but this looks stupid as hell to me.

  10. This movie will have TONS of tributes to the old series. I can’t see how you are excited about Turtles stuff then discard the movie.

    I am currently watching the original live action Turtles movies with my kids.

    Got them cheap. Now THAT is nostalgia!

  11. You wanna know the only good thing about this movie?

    All the old-school ninja turtles t-shirts and shit that have come out. I was a Turtle kid growing up, so this is a wonderful dose of nostalgia for me. As for this movie, I have ZERO interest in seeing it.

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