Janis Joplin Biopic Gospel According to Janis On Hold

Janice-JoplinIs it just me, or over the last few months are we having to talk more about films that get canceled or put “on hold” as much as we do about movies that actually get made? Anyway, this one doesn’t strike me as sad news… since I’m not really looking forward to the movie anyway… but according to the good folks over at Cinematical, the Janice Joplin movie “Gospel According to Janis“, which was supposed to start production back in November, is now “On hold”.

According to an interview with VH1, Zooey Deschanel says that the movie is currently “on hold.” Why? Deschanel says it “seems like it’s been hard to get all the money and the rights in place.” However, she wasn’t specific on which rights are causing the hold — the life or music rights.

Meh… who cares? i know I’m probably in the minority here… but I’m pretty full up on musical Biopics right now, and to be very honest, I really don’t see any appeal in Janice Joplin whatsoever.

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7 thoughts on “Janis Joplin Biopic Gospel According to Janis On Hold

  1. I rally hope they figure all of this out. I was really looking forward to see this movie but the more they delay it the my hope for it is dying out. They have yet again changed the actor for the movie from Zooey to Amy Adams, which I think is really wrong. I think they should use Zooey, P!nk, and or Joss Stone

  2. I agree with you that there are too many of these musical biopics getting green lit lately, but if they were to take the bunch of them and decide to only make one, it would have to be Janis Joplin.

    I’d also like to point out Im not completely sold on Zoey playing her, maybe the guys finanacing arent either. Janis was butt ugly, you cant get a hotty to play someone who had a case of the uglies.


  3. No appeal in Janis??? Really??? She was a unique talent during an important time and led an interesting life that ended too soon. If anyone was made for a biopic, it would be her.

    Granted, it’s no Fantastic Four sequel, but come on.

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