The Contract Trailer

The-Contract-TrailerI always like coming across a trailer for a film that slipped under my radar and I didn’t really know was coming. Take for example The Contract trailer that Jarred sent to me this afternoon. The Contract story looks interesting… but the trailer looks horrible. And that’s too bad considering it stars two of my favorite actors John Cusack and Morgan Freeman.

“The Contract” is a thriller about a family outing that goes bad when a grandfather, son, and grandson get involved with a hired killer.

I’m not really big on it. Exactly how many people do you have to show being shot in a trailer to get your point across?

Anyway, if you’d like to see The Contract trailer you can just head on over here

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3 thoughts on “The Contract Trailer

  1. I’m with John. I love both Morgan Freeman and John Cusack and this just looks horrible. These guys either just can’t pick a good movie to save their lives lately or this is just one poorly put together trailer.

    I’m hoping it’s the latter…

  2. The trailer just showed people getting shot, lacked real substance but i will more than likely catch it when its out on DVD and that’s purely down to the acting talent of Freeman and Cusack.

    And it’s another assassination attempt on the US president how fucking original, is there no one else in this god foresaken world!! (Apologies for the rant!!).

  3. The setup and the actors make me think it’s a movie I’ll probably watch (rental though). However, that is one horribly put together trailer. No pacing, no storyline setup, it’s a mess. It looks like they threw some random clips together from the movie and called it a trailer.

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