Superman Producer faces Sexual Harassment Charges

Absolute Power corrupts absolutely. Jon Peters, owner of the rights to Superman, and therefore the guy who’s ass you have to kiss to get this movie is allegedly above the rules of personal conduct.

Cinematical Reports

Yahoo! Movie News reported that a former assistant was suing Peters for sexual harassment during the production of Superman Returns. The woman charged Peters with some pretty sleazy behavior including exposing himself to her while her 3-year-old daughter was in the room. The suit also accuses Peters of “creating a hostile work environment” — considering the suit contains accusations of Peters climbing into her hotel bed uninvited, groping and offensive comments, “hostile work environment” seems like an understatement.

Notice above I said allegedly. This is what he is being accused of.

I know very little of this guy, so I dont know if he is capable of this. But it wouldnt surprise me. In the article, the Cinematical writer refers to the power these producers wield, and how they think nothing is beyond them.

If you havent seen it yet, you need to see an Evening with Kevin Smith where he talks about his meeting with Jon Peters about writing a treatment for a Superman movie. This guy is a little….. off.

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14 thoughts on “Superman Producer faces Sexual Harassment Charges

  1. SDR, Bosworth’s Lois doesnt remember her relationship with Clark because he wiped it from her in Superman2. Lois wrote a story about how the world doesnt need Superman. It had nothing to do with her romantic relationship.

    She remembers everything about Clark except the part where he is Superman. I dont see how you figure there is a flaw in that.

  2. Currently studying a degree, my lecturer in 3d modelling had a friend on the set of Superman Returns involved in the green screen wire rigging – and said how an entourage surrounded Bryan Singer and his staff preventing creative channels – and half naked young men and cocain bowls adourned the trailers.
    I was sure this was untrue but rumours surfaced from the night clubs in Queensland about Singer’s late nights and coke binging during post production.
    Looking at the final cut – this film shows signs of a distracted director with a bad script and miscast actors. He proclaims Superman Returns to be a sequel of sorts to Superman 2 – however Clark wipes his relationship with Lois with a kiss. How is it Bosworth’s Lois remembers and writes a vindictive article about the Man of Steel and all the other misplaced script errors.

    This is not a good film. Just like the new Hulk movie is scratching the original actors and revising the Hulk concept to be more in line with the TV show – the same should be done with this film franchise – Let Singer do the Wolverine movie as his X-men outings were more entertaining.

  3. It took more than a year to make the claim.

    Sounds like she’s looking for an easy payout.

    It’s too expensive, not to mention bad for the company’s reputation, to fight false claims.

  4. Jon Peters is too great producer to have his work derailed by these clearly false charges.

    It just seems like any time a great man is about to accomplish something good for the benifit of humanity, his enemies get a woman to make false accusations of sexual misconduct.

    I feel his pain.

  5. If wagging your penis at a woman in front of her child is wrong, well, well, I don’t wanna be right!!!

    When will this … this castration of the male as a sexual being cease! Sheesh! I’m a man! I have needs! Service my needs! And then go bake me a pie!

  6. Jon Peters walks up to his secretary. “You be Superman and I’ll be the giant spider attacking you”..flash forward five minutes later “Oh giant spider! Oh giant spider! Oh giant spider!” He really loves that giant spider..

  7. Jon Peters is hilarious. He is a hair dresser and that is how he became a producer.

    In the 70’s he was a hair dresser to the stars (Warren Beattys Shampoo was loosely based on peters)

    He was streisands hairdresser and eventually he became her lover. He was sent to her house to do her hair and as she walked up the stairs he said “you have a great ass” and that was that….they became lovers and he became a producer. He slept with barbra and became a hollywood big shot. He was a well known “stud” who has cheated his way and slept with half of hollywood.

    If you want to know more about him I highly suggest reading “Hit and Run: How Jon Peters and Peter Guber took Sony for a ride in Hollywood.”

    These 2 guys are the reason there are so many jokes about producers and that producers have a bad name. It is a fantastic read amd I highly recommend it.

    Not that any of this proves his guilt in this case but there will be very few people in hollywood who are surprised at this news.

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