Rambo 4 Script Review

Rambo-4-ScriptI don’t know how they do it, but the guys over at Latino Review ALWAYS get their hands on the scripts. And now, they are reviewing the Rambo 4 script for all of us to see.

Here is a little excerpt from the review… no spoilers in the excerpt… but it’s fair to say they like it a lot:

so what is the verdict on the script? Is it as good as ROCKY BALBOA? The answer is a resounding yes. It is really, really good, hence the B+ rating.

Action fans of Rambo will be happy to know that the 2nd half is pure action and yes it is an extremely violent and gory. Not Apocalypto gory but pretty damn close. The violence by the sadistic PA TEE TINT and his soldiers is disturbing but from what Stallone himself said in his awesome recent interviews over at AICN – the violence is merely a reflection of the reality in that region.

So there you have it. They seem to really like the script. I’m curious to see how this turns out. Head on over to read the whole Rambo 4 script review… but be warned, there are spoilers in it, so proceed with caution.

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7 thoughts on “Rambo 4 Script Review

  1. i was a huge fan of the rambo movies. so i say, go on stallone, do your magic. i believe you will make this the movie everyone expects to be, even better! i cant wait till this film comes out, same with star trek!

  2. El Mayimbe is the man.

    I hope he’s right about this one because Rambo needs to go out on a better note than the one part 3 provided.

    And yes, the interview with Sly over at AICN has been wonderful.

  3. If you haven’t yet checked out the interviews with AICN you should do so. It started on Dec 1 and will end on 20 Dec. Each day Sly is answering 10 questions.

    It has been fun reading.

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