Sex And The City Movie Back On

I think I can count on one hand the number of women I’ve met who DIDN’T say Sex and the City was one of their favorite shows. Seems like almost every other woman I meet has at least one season of the show on DVD at home. It is CRAZINESS! It’s like Oprah… I swear if these 4 women stood up in their show and said “You know… poison Kool Aid is good for you” 3/4 of the female population of North America would be found dead tomorrow.

With a show so popular amongst it’s target demographic, movie talks were inevitable when the show went off the air. However there was one glitch… THE STARS OF THE SHOW HATE HATE HATE each other. No really. Some of them wouldn’t even consider the movie idea just because they never wanted to work with the others again. Wow.

But as they say, time… and money… heals all wounds (and maybe the fact that none of them have been able to get near the success they had on the TV show since it ended). And according to the IMDB, it looks like the Sex and the City movie may be on again:

According to the studio insider, “Obviously, there is still a lot to be worked out contractually, but it would be amazing to get this project off the ground. There is no doubt that fans cannot wait to see them all reunited.” Rumors have circulated since the show ended in 2004 that the project was unable to get off the ground because of behind-the-scenes drama between the actresses. Kim Cattrall reportedly refused to appear in the feature film, which reportedly doomed the project. According to sources, enough time has passed and the stars are willing to put their differences aside and move forward with the highly anticipated project.

Translation: “We forgot how much fun it was to have more money and fame than we knew what to do with. Yeah, let’s do a movie!”

Guys… seriously… I’m not joking around here. If this Sex and the City movie finally does get made… and it feels really strange to say this… but you could be looking at the blockbuster film of the year. I know I know I know that sounds stupid… but think about it.

Every single fan of the show will flock to the movie theaters to see it… and they’ll drag along their (I think 14 in total) friends who weren’t into the show with them. On top of that buddy… you wanna get laid anytime in the next 2 years? Yeah… you’ll be going along with the girlfriend too then. Enjoy.

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16 thoughts on “Sex And The City Movie Back On

  1. The movie would definately post a come back for the girl’s career. It would be fun to see them on the big screen, making us laugh with their witty remarks on fashion and men. Who cares if it doesn’t show in Peoria, or even any other country for that matter. It was a big hit in America,filmed in an awesome city as well. True fans will appreciate it no matter what the movie critics say. Keep the show alive, that’s what the true fans want.

  2. I am holding my breath waiting for the movie. I bought all 6 seasons and i watch them over and over. They are hilarious and i have yet to find something on tv as entertaining as sitc.

    Please bring it out as soon as possible.

  3. I love Sex and the City and hope that they will pull together and do this movie for the fans. Everyone I know who watched the show is all for the movie. I just hope that they don’t wait too long now and the interest fades. That could never happen to me, but I wonder if it could happen to others. Hope not!

  4. I am absolutly estatic that they are considering making a movie! I do believe that it would be a huge success, my friends and I are HUGE fans of Sex and the City and would definatley be in line at the movies to watch it!

  5. I know tons and tons of women who are almost obsessed with the show, including myself. I think it has alot of potential to be a big hit of a movie. The writing and storyline has to be crafty – cuz if it blows it could bring down the hole sex and the city show popularity.

  6. Just to clarify, they don’t all hate each other. Kim Cattrall and Sarah Jessica Parker hate each other. The other ones get along fine. Kim was the one who put the cabash on the movie because she wanted to do other things. Other things never happened, so I guess she had to come crawling back.

  7. Ash1138… I think you may have missed the sarcasm in my post.

    I have nothing against shows of high quality targeted towards women(Boy… talk about putting words in someone’s mouth… sheesh). I just couldn’t stand “Sex and The City”. Please don’t misunderstand, I actually do like chick flicks… Let’s just say that SaTC wasn’t my cup of tea.

    I actually agree with you that there needs to be more films and television programs of quality targeted at women. Lifetime sure as shit ain’t helping any.

    Like I said before, thank God that I married a woman who shares my dislike of the previously mentioned television program.

  8. DarthMuppet: I don’t understand your animosity towards the show. Sex and the City was chick fiction that wasn’t stupid. I honestly think the reason why more women aren’t into movies as much as guys is because films targeting them are often below par. Why would you be against women having movies and TV shows that are of extremely high quality so they can have something to be passionate about?

  9. I have to admit, i loved this show and i’m a guy. i just loved the way they worked together and the show was funny as hell. great mind u i did not see the last 2 seasons, but someone told me the end , damn, anyway if they make a movie i’m there. but we;ll see if they make it,later

    Horns Up!

  10. I don’t think this is destined for HUGE blockbuster. I love the show but I just don’t see this being a hit movie. There’s only so much story you can squeeze into two hours and I’m just not sure that between the anymosity between actors and the egos everyone is going to want stroked they’re going to manage a movie that’s enjoyable. I can see it making money but not being the next Titanic.

  11. I absolutely loved Sex in the City. Marathons with the girlfriends have produced some really great girl nights. However, the idea of a movie has always felt like a bad idea. If it was an HBO movie? I’d be all for it, but a pay $10 at the movie theater movie? I’m out.

    I know there will be tons a women out there who will squeal with glee and gladly shell out the cash. As for me, I’ll either wait to rent it or watch it when it comes on HBO. ;)

  12. I think you make a really good point here. If there is anything that Titanic proved, it’s that when you make a film that mainstream female audiences are passionate about (not just have a passing interest like 99.9% of chick flicks out there), they will drive numbers through the roof. All the top grossing films of all time would not be where they are had they not been “appealing” to women. Titanic reigns far above even it’s closest competitor (by nearly $600 million) because it was “loved” by women.

    Sex and the City needs to do two things: 1) It needs to live up to the excellent writing of the show. This show didn’t succeed because they put four women on screen talk about and having sex. It was actually really well done. 2) It needs to have at least some degree of appeal to men. By that I mean it can’t be a complete estrogen fest. I’m no fan of Sex and the City, but my girlfriend is a fanatic about it. I can sit down and not hate it and sometimes even enjoy it. The movie will be all chick-flick on the outside, but it needs to be not so much on the inside.

  13. I disagree. This show has coastal popularity, but I don’t think it’s enough to make the movie a blockbuster. Successful, yes. But it won’t play in Peoria.

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