New Babylon 5 Project

Let all Babylon 5 fans rejoice in this bold step to feed their addiction. I personally only know ONE person who will be excited about this, and that is the Audio Edition Brain Extraordinare Darren Conley.

I know this is more of a TV News thing, but since they were considering making a feature film, it relates to the Movie News in that this reveals there will not be a feature film. At least not yet.

Aint it cool News quoted J. Michael Straczynski:

The biggest announcement I’ll paraphrase: Every 6 months, I get together with WB to discuss what to do something with B5. The DVD sales have raised over 500 million in revenue. Now, I produced B5s 110 episodes at about 90 million dollars. Somehow, B5 is still 50 million in the red. Every time I mention that to WB they say We made a good deal, huh? Anyway, they asked if I wanted to do a feature film but I declined mainly because I can’t yet picture structuring a B5 movie as long as [Andreas Katsulas] and [Richard Biggs] insist on staying dead. Maybe in a year or two I’ll be able to but right now I can’t do something big and those two roles will NOT be recast.

So I thought about it, and I suggested a bunch of short films. Little mini-movies or an anthology show set in the Babylon 5 universe. I pick a character and develop an hour-long story around that character. Stories that I wanted to tell during the B5 series but never had the chance to develop. They said, Okay. I said I wanted complete creative control. Do not change my words that I write, and I want that in writing. They said, Okay. And I want to direct. They said, Okay.

This project was green lit less than two weeks ago. Its going to happen. Production starts in September in Vancouver, Canada. Post-production will occur from October to February with a release of the first three anthologies in the second quarter of 2007.

So there you go Darren. Goodies for you.

Oh and the other Babylon 5 fans out there too I guess. I dont want to leave either of them out.

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7 thoughts on “New Babylon 5 Project

  1. I’d actually heard about this a few months ago, but I’m excited to see what’s going to happen with it. My real interest is in seeing how they flesh out some of the questions they left unanswered from the series(the Telepath War, and the Crusade storyline) and I don’t think these new short stories will do that, but if they can help generate some new interest in B5 (the show that made Firefly, Stargate, and Battlestar Galactica possible), then that would be awesome.

  2. wonder if they’ll bring back bruce boxleitner even though that old hermit dude gave him 20 years to live after he jumped into that pit. didn’t like the way the series ended much going way into the future. But, I always liked that fact that all the stories in the series tied into each other and things tended to come full circle. Good space battle sequences though, didn’t they use a video toaster to do all that? Don’t think it would be that big on the silver screen (but we’ll see). I think it’ll probably do better on the dvd market.

  3. Me too! I guess there are three of us! This is gonna be wicked, though without G’kar (since Andreas Katsulas passed away) its almost not worth it. Here’s hoping itll be cool anyway, everything to come out of the B5 universe besides b5 has been kinda lame.

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