Audio Editoin Celebrates 2 Years Of Being The Best Damn Movie Related Podcast

2 years ago today, history was made. Angels in joyous chorus sung songs of celebrations over an apartment building in Hamilton Ontario that night. It was the apartment of Doug Nagy, and although the participants didn’t know the significance of what was about to unfold… the angels did… and they sung in galactic bliss.

Yes, that’s right… two years ago tonight, The Audio Edition was born. It was the first, and continues to be the best movie related podcast on the internet, and two years later we’re going stronger than ever thanks to you guys. For those of you keeping score, we are also the longest running Movie Podcast in the world. (and one of the longest running podcasts in the world PERIOD)

Earlier this year you guys made it possible for us to win the Podcast of the Year award (something we hope to repeat in a couple of months) at the annul Weblog awards (also known as The Bloggies).

So make sure you join us this Monday as we celebrate 2 years. Wow… 2 years. We’ve actually been doing this longer than TWIT, Diggnation or any other one you can think of. Maybe that just means we’re too stupid to quit.

So from Doug, Darren, Bruxy, Sean and Jay, Jesse, Sharon, Serena and myself, thank you so much for letting us do this thing for 2 years. And here’s looking forward to another 2 years!

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29 thoughts on “Audio Editoin Celebrates 2 Years Of Being The Best Damn Movie Related Podcast

  1. Hey guys… John here.

    See that comment above… the one about Geekdrome (a fine podcast by the way)? Yeah… well it’s from someone who has never commnented here on the site before… so I looked up the IP address and it’s location.

    Anyone want to hazard a guess where the IP address is from? I’ll give ya 3 guesses. LOL. I was going to take the comment down… but it’s too funny.

  2. Congratulations to everyone involved with the Movie Blog. It is unbelievable that it has been two years already. Undoubtedly my favourite podcast.

    Many thanks to all of you. Especially to you John. You have had to endure a lot of crap but have handled the bad more gracefully than the good.

    That is the mark of true class. And the Movie Blog has oodles of it. A true reflection of this site.

  3. Congrats guys! Best podcast on the net!

    Don’t listen to Pat John… your solo cast was AMAZING! loved it. I still like Audio Edition more than your solo or Doug’s solo… but they’re all good! Two more years! Two more years!

  4. Congrats!

    ..and may the audioedition’s future be grand!

    The personal cast was a bit too much Campia for me to handle, though. Get a Doug-quality sidekick, or drop it.

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